The West and Others~~Western Civilization, Global Continuity & The 'Third' World~~
Photo; the Turf... a little bit of Heaven, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria
What has BP done to our world, what have they done?!!!
(below)Dead baby fishes like sand on the beach, this carpet of dead fishes covers the water surface completely so that the underlying water is totally hidden from view
Transocean Ltd., the owner of the Deepwater Horizon rig leased by BP, has been flying under the radar in the mainstream blame game. The world's largest offshore drilling contractor, the company is conveniently headquartered in corporate-friendly Switzerland, and it's no stranger to oil disasters. In 1979, an oil well it was drilling in the very same Gulf of Mexico ignited, sending the drill platform into the sea and causing one of the largest oil spills by the time it was capped... nine months later.
This experience undoubtedly influenced Transocean's decision to insure the Deepwater Horizon rig for about twice what it was worth. In a conference call to analysts earlier this month, Transocean reported making a $270 million profit from insurance payouts after the disaster. It's not hard to bet on failure when you know it's somewhat assured.
It can’t get much more disgusting than this. At the moment that tens of thousands of people are seeing their jobs, livelihoods, small businesses and way of life ruined, when a pristine environment has been destroyed has been shattered, BP’s Tony Hayward flew to London for a big party organized on June 7 at BP’s headquarters by the company’s ultra-rich and powerful supporters.
A party of the British elite to salute Tony Hayward and BP? Can that be for real?
The elites came to have fun and show support for Hayward, who was described as “a man of steel.” It was an interesting and revealing mix of the British and European upper classes. The head of the British Intelligence Agency, MI6 was there. So too was Vodafone CEO Vittorio Colao and advertising mogul Sir Martin Sorrell, who made a neat $20 million last year—more than $380,000 each week or $54,000 every day.
Ominous reports are leaking past the BP Gulf salvage operation news blackout that the disaster unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico may be about to reach biblical proportions.
251 million years ago a mammoth undersea methane bubble caused massive explosions, poisoned the atmosphere and destroyed more than 96 percent of all life on Earth.[1] Experts agree that what is known as the Permian extinction event was the greatest mass extinction event in the history of the world.[2]
55 million years later another methane bubble ruptured causing more mass extinctions during the Late Paleocene Thermal Maximum (LPTM).
The LPTM lasted 100,000 years. [3]
Those subterranean seas of methane virtually reshaped the planet when they explosively blew from deep beneath the waters of what is today called the Gulf of Mexico.
Now, worried scientists are increasingly concerned the same series of catastrophic events that led to worldwide death back then may be happening again-and no known technology can stop it.
The bottom line: BP’s Deepwater Horizon drilling operation may have triggered an irreversible, cascading geological Apocalypse that will culminate with the first mass extinction of life on Earth in many millions of years.
The oil giant drilled down miles into a geologically unstable region and may have set the stage for the eventual premature release of a methane mega-bubble.
Ryskin’s methane extinction theory
Northwestern University's Gregory Ryskin, a bio-chemical engineer, has a theory: The oceans periodically produce massive eruptions of explosive methane gas. He has documented the scientific evidence that such an event was directly responsible for the mass extinctions that occurred 55 million years ago. [4]
Many geologists concur: "The consequences of a methane-driven oceanic eruption for marine and terrestrial life are likely to be catastrophic. Figuratively speaking, the erupting region "boils over," ejecting a large amount of methane and other gases (e.g., CO2, H2S) into the atmosphere, and flooding large areas of land. Whereas pure methane is lighter than air, methane loaded with water droplets is much heavier, and thus spreads over the land, mixing with air in the process (and losing water as rain). The air-methane mixture is explosive at methane concentrations between 5% and 15%; as such mixtures form in different locations near the ground and are ignited by lightning, explosions and conflagrations destroy most of the terrestrial life, and also produce great amounts of smoke and of carbon dioxide..."[5]
The warning signs of an impending planetary catastrophe—of such great magnitude that the human mind has difficulty grasping it-would be the appearance of large fissures or rifts splitting open the ocean floor, a rise in the elevation of the seabed, and the massive venting of methane and other gases into the surrounding water.
Such occurrences can lead to the rupture of the methane bubble containment—it can then permit the methane to breach the subterranean depths and undergo an explosive decompression as it catapults into the Gulf waters. [6]
All three warning signs are documented to be occurring in the Gulf.
Ground zero: The Gulf Coast
The people and property located on the greater expanse of the Gulf Coast are sitting at Ground Zero. They will be the first exposed to poisonous, cancer causing chemical gases. They will be the ones that initially experience the full fury of a methane bubble exploding from the ruptured seabed.
The media has been kept away from the emergency salvage measures being taken to forestall the biggest catastrophe in human history. The federal government has warned them away from the epicenter of operations with the threat of a $40,000 fine for each infraction and the possibility of felony arrests.
Why is the press being kept away? Word is that the disaster is escalating.
Cracks and bulges
Methane is now streaming through the porous, rocky seabed at an accelerated rate and gushing from the borehole of the first relief well. The EPA is on record that Rig #1 is releasing methane, benzene, hydrogen sulfide and other toxic gases. Workers there now wear advanced protection including state-of-the-art, military-issued gas masks.
Reports, filtering through from oceanologists and salvage workers in the region, state that the upper level strata of the ocean floor is succumbing to greater and greater pressure. That pressure is causing a huge expanse of the seabed-estimated by some as spreading over thousands of square miles surrounding the BP wellhead-to bulge. Some claim the seabed in the region has risen an astounding 30 feet.
The fractured BP wellhead, site of the former Deepwater Horizon, has become the epicenter of frenetic attempts to quell the monstrous flow of methane.
The subterranean methane is pressurized at 100,000 pounds psi. According to Matt Simmons, an oil industry expert, the methane pressure at the wellhead has now skyrocketed to a terrifying 40,000 pounds psi.
Another well-respected expert, Dr. John Kessler of Texas A&M University has calculated that the ruptured well is spewing 60 percent oil and 40 percent methane. The normal methane amount that escapes from a compromised well is about 5 percent.
More evidence? A huge gash on the ocean floor—like a ragged wound hundreds of feet long—has been reported by the NOAA research ship, Thomas Jefferson. Before the curtain of the government enforced news blackout again descended abruptly, scientists aboard the ship voiced their concerns that the widening rift may go down miles into the earth.
That gash too is hemorrhaging oil and methane. It’s 10 miles away from the BP epicenter. Other, new fissures, have been spotted as far as 30 miles distant.
Measurements of the multiple oil plumes now appearing miles from the wellhead indicate that as much as a total of 124,000 barrels of oil are erupting into the Gulf waters daily-that’s about 5,208,000 gallons of oil per day.
Most disturbing of all: Methane levels in the water are now calculated as being almost one million times higher than normal.[7]
Mass death on the water
If the methane bubble—a bubble that could be as big as 20 miles wide—erupts with titanic force from the seabed into the Gulf, every ship, drilling rig and structure within the region of the bubble will immediately sink. All the workers, engineers, Coast Guard personnel and marine biologists participating in the salvage operation will die instantly.
Next, the ocean bottom will collapse, instantaneously displacing up to a trillion cubic feet of water or more and creating a towering supersonic tsunami annihilating everything along the coast and well inland. Like a thermonuclear blast, a high pressure atmospheric wave could precede the tidal wave flattening everything in its path before the water arrives.
When the roaring tsunami does arrive it will scrub away all that is left.
A chemical cocktail of poisons
Some environmentalist experts are calling what’s pouring into the land, sea and air from the seabed breach ’a chemical cocktail of poisons.’
Areas of dead zones devoid of oxygen are driving species of fish into foreign waters, killing plankton and other tiny sea life that are the foundation for the entire food chain, and polluting the air with cancer-causing chemicals and poisonous rainfalls.
A report from one observer in South Carolina documents oily residue left behind after a recent thunderstorm. And before the news blackout fully descended the EPA released data that benzene levels in New Orleans had rocketed to 3,000 parts per billion.
Benzene is extremely toxic and even short term exposure can cause agonizing death from cancerous lesions years later.
The people of Louisiana have been exposed for more than two months—and the benzene levels may be much higher now. The EPA measurement was taken in early May.[8]
While some say it can’t happen because the bulk of the methane is frozen into crystalline form, others point out that the underground methane sea is gradually melting from the nearby surging oil that’s estimated to be as hot as 500 degrees Fahrenheit.
Most experts in the know, however, agree that if the world-changing event does occur it will happen suddenly and within the next 6 months.
So, if events go against Mankind and the bubble bursts in the coming months, Gregory Ryskin may become one of the most famous people in the world. Of course, he won't have long to enjoy his new found fame because very shortly after the methane eruption civilization will collapse.
Perhaps if humanity is very, very lucky, some may find a way to avoid the mass extinction that follows and carry on the human race.
[4] Ryskin Theory Huge combustible clouds produced by methane gas trapped under the seas and explosively released could have killed off the majority of marine life, land animals, and plants at the end of the Permian era—long before the dinosaurs arrived.
A sobering report circulating in the Kremlin today from President Medvedev’s meeting with other World leaders at the G8 summit in Muskoka, Ontario states that President Obama has warned his counterparts that the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster “will most likely kill millions, perhaps tens of millions” of people during the coming year.
Fueling Obama’s dire assessment of this “Gulf Apocalypse”, this report says, are the oil and toxic rains now being reported to be falling throughout the US Gulf Coast region due to the fracturing of the Gulf of Mexico seafloor allowing untold millions of gallons of oil and millions of cubic feet of methane gas to escape unchecked into our World’s seventh largest body of water, not to mention the millions of gallons of dangerous disbursements being used that is poisoning everything in its path.
So dangerous has the Gulf Coast environment become to human beings the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a warning that, in part, says: “People, including pregnant women, can be exposed to these chemicals by breathing them (air), by swallowing them (water, food), or by touching them (skin). If possible, everyone, including pregnant women, should avoid the oil and spill-affected areas.”
With nearly 20 million American’s living along the affected Gulf Coast region one wonders where they could all go and leaving many to speculate a massive evacuation is being planned by the US Government of the entire region.
This view, however, is not shared by a Louisiana woman named Kindra Arnesen who was allowed unprecedented access to the BP Operations Center overseeing this catastrophe and reported to the Gulf Emergency Summit this past week that along with millions of fish dying because of this disaster people are falling ill all over the region.
Even worse is Arnesen’s incredibly reporting that even as this oil disaster grows BP is being allowed the US government to begin cutting costs in their cleanup and oil containment efforts.
Important to note about in this report is that Obama’s warning that “millions could die” from this disaster has been further confirmed by the American engineer who helped lead the team to put out the Persian Gulf oil fires set by Saddam Hussein in the first Iraq war and had warned a full 12 months before the April sinking of the Deepwater Horizon that BP was drilling into a huge methane deposit that if released would be beyond catastrophic, it would be biblical in its scale of destruction.
Note: Along with the unprecedented danger facing the Americans due to this oil spill catastrophe, it is important to remember the billions of dollars is being made from it by some of the most powerful people and corporations in the West, and as we had reported on in our June 16th report titled “Obama To Earn Nearly $85 Million From Gulf Oil Disaster”.
Interesting to note too is that one of the World’s top oil and gas industry experts Matthew Simmons is calling for the evacuation of the entire US Gulf Coast, and as we can read as quoted by him in an interview with the Washington Post News Service: “We’re going to have to evacuate the Gulf States. Can you imagine evacuating 20 million people? . . . This story is 80 times worse than I thought.”
Now the “80 times worse than I thought” comment by Simmons is one of the most vitally important points to understand in this unfolding historic disaster due to the findings of the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) high-tech research ship Thomas Jefferson, and as we can read as reported by the Los Angeles Times News Service:
“The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Monday released new data from the agency’s latest research trip through the Gulf of Mexico, showing concentrations of oil below the surface at more than 3,600 feet below the surface, about 7.5 nautical miles southwest of the BP’s blown-out well.
The Thomas Jefferson research ship found evidence of depleted oxygen, a potential sign of microbes digesting oil, in the area. Acoustic and fluorometric instruments likewise indicated the presence of oil. Water samples taken on the trip have not been analyzed.
Since the leak began April 20, attention has been focused on surface oil washing up on environmentally fragile shoreline ecosystems. But “plumes” or “clouds” of oil hovering in the water column below the surface, where myriad marine life eat, breed and swim, has as much or more potential to cause ecological damage to the Gulf, scientists have warned.”
Not being explained to the American people about NOAA’s findings is that the live video feed of this spill being shown to them of this spill contains oil and methane gas being expelled at pressures estimated to be at 100,000 pounds per square inch (psi) and cannot in any way being associated with the massive underwater oil plumes found by the Thomas Jefferson nearly 8 kilometers away.
To where these massive underwater oil plumes are coming from, Simmons stated during an interview on the US television network MSNBC that the release point was “5 to 6 miles away” from where the Deepwater Horizon sunk.
In our June 10th report “Scientists Warn Gulf Of Mexico Sea Floor Fractured “Beyond Repair” we reported that Russian scientists (the only scientists to have actually viewed this disaster in their deep submersible submarines) had likewise confirmed Simmons dire assessment of this catastrophe; reports, mind you, that not only have we seen, but Simmons has undoubtedly seen too.
Most incredibly in all of these events is that Obama has issued what many experts are calling a “get out of jail free card” to BP in the setting up of a $20 Billion “sham” cleanup fund paid for by this British oil giant that allowed them to borrow from Goldman Sachs the entire amount and not affecting their bottom line for years, if not decades to come.
To the greatest consequence of this catastrophe upon the American people, an FSB appendix to this report warns that the US Soldiers currently deployed throughout their island territory of Puerto Rico are in fact being trained in how to “suppress and contain” large concentrations of people and being “recycled” to military bases throughout the State of Florida where they will soon be joined by an estimated 28,000 NATO allied troops where both will join up with an estimated 7,000 pre-positioned UN marked vehicles for purposes “still not known or clearly stated by the US”.
To the greatest danger facing the American people it comes from the founder of the psychoanalytic school of psychiatry Sigmund Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays, the father of the field of “public relations” and propaganda, who said that news was made “when reality is distilled down to the most simplified and dramatized form and it appeals to the instincts of the public mind.”
Unfortunately, the “instincts” being instilled in these Americans “public mind” is going to kill them as there is NOTHING to be simplified about this catastrophe, and what they aren’t being told by their so called mainstream media, or what they aren’t willing to find out for themselves, is going to kill them. Just like all of those who cleaned up the1989 Exxon Valdez spill disaster, ALMOST ALL OF WHOM ARE NOW DEAD.
I have absolutely no doubt that as soon as the American and Israeli warships are deployed–alongside the rest of the American military vessels positioned off the Iranian coasts–and they try to inspect the first merchant ship from that country, there will be a massive launching of missiles in both directions. At that moment exactly, the terrible war will begin. It’s not possible to estimate how many vessels will be sunk or from what country.
Nevertheless, there are still some uncertainties. Will the two mightiest nuclear powers, the United States and Russia, be able to refrain from using their nuclear weapons against each other?
The Pentagon, with the consent of the President of the United States, supplied the South African racists through Israel with about 14 nuclear bombs, more powerful than those dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki...
There is no doubt, however, that from Europe the nuclear weapons of Great Britain and France, allied with the United States and Israel, the same that enthusiastically imposed the resolution that will inevitably unleash the war, which for the above mentioned reasons will immediately become nuclear, are threatening the Russian territory even though this country and China have done everything within their capabilities to prevent the conflict.
It is possible to predict what will happen in the rest of the Portuguese and Spanish speaking Americas during the nuclear post crisis.
Under such circumstances, it will not be possible to talk of capitalism or socialism. A stage will open that will see the management of the available goods and services in this part of the continent.
Certainly, every country will continue being ruled by those who head the governments today, some very close to socialism and others euphoric over the opening of the world market to fuels, uranium, copper, lithium, aluminum, iron and other metals being sent to the developed and rich countries today that will suddenly disappear.
An abundance of food exported now to that world market will also disappear abruptly.
In these circumstances, the most basic products needed for life: food, water, fuels, and the resources found in the hemisphere south of the United States will suffice to preserve some of the civilization whose unbridled advance has led humanity into such a disaster.
The economy of the superpower will fall to pieces like a house of cards. The American society is the least prepared to endure a catastrophe like the one the empire has created in the same territory where it started.
Obama has committed to attend the quarter-finals match (the World cup) on July 2, if his country’s team makes it to that stage. He supposedly knows better than anyone that the quarter-finals will not be contested because very serious developments will take place before that, or at least he should know.
Pedophile Nigerian Senator quizzed by Anti-Human trafficking Agency
Embattled Nigerian Senator, former Zamfara State governor and champion of Sharia law, Sani Ahmed Yerima, has been arrested by the National Agency for Prohibition and Trafficking In Persons (NAPTIP), for marrying an Egyptian minor. The senator was invited to the office of the agency at Zone 5 in Abuja earlier today. Yerima was interrogated for about two hours before he was later released on personal recognizance. Yerima, who has other wives, has been in worldwide hot water recently for adding a 13 year-old Egyptian girl, believed to be a daughter of his limousine driver in Cairo, to his haul. His despicable action has attracted local and international condemnation from women groups and members of the Nigerian Senate. But Yerima, shameless, has tried to justify his behaviour as being in line with Islam.
The former governor has faced protests from women's groups in Nigeria, including the North.