The West and Others~~Western Civilization, Global Continuity & The 'Third' World~~
Photo; the Turf... a little bit of Heaven, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria
"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."—Menachem Begin - Israeli Prime Minister 1977–1983
Freaks of Nature called US Guards and things they do!
Juiced up on Ecstasy and getting a hand job!
Note well the dark-skinned Israelis
Israel-American Guards
A US Guard plastered with Jewish symbolism of a Masada warrior
Another tattoo symbolism depicting loyalty and submission to Israel on a US Guard
If the murderous mayhem unleashed by these American terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan is not enough, here are pictures and videos that show some of the activities of these hired American terrorists who are in the employ of the US embassy in Afghanistan. These pictures and videos are surfacing because of the hard work of honest and honorable ordinary American citizens who do not think that American military and government has the right to turn other countries into a mess.
In Pakistan, the world’s largest American embassy is under construction. To protect it, Pakistan’s pro-US government is quietly helping the US expand its military presence in the country.
The State Department has launched an inquiry into the allegations against the private security guards that could lead to the termination of the company’s $189 million contract, a department spokesman said.
The Project on Government Oversight, which conducted an investigation into the behaviour, said that security was threatened by incidents such as prostitutes being brought into the quarters where the guards live.
“We expect to see prompt and effective action taken as a result of these investigations,” the spokesman, Ian Kelly, told reporters.
Who are these freaks called US Guards?
They are mostly malleable white thugs, ex-cops, and adventure seekers. These are not the Navy Seals and Army Green Berets that everyone tells you these contractors are. The companies Zapata, Blackwater, Aegis,CACI,, etc are run by Zionists. If you think about it, just who would you hire? Do you want a black gang from Chicago, or Mexicans gangsters from Houston, or whites from Pelican Bay? You couldn’t control them, and they would probably shoot you.
The lower echelons are mainly ex-cops, academy drop-outs, and lower ranking, hand-picked military. The upper echelon are Israelis or white Zionists. They want guys that sit behind a M-60 or similar machine gun, in a humvee, that will spray civilian crowds of Afghanis, Iraqis, Iranians, and eventually Americans.
Just imagine what would happen if they caught you out on the streets on a night like this... or on any other night for that matter! Then think of the manner of beast that is unleashed on our streets when they return home
"The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the 'devil' only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US . . ." -- Former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook
2. Mesopotamia, which is now Iraq , was the cradle of civilization!
3.Noah built the ark in Iraq
4. The Tower of Ba bel was in Iraq
5. Abraham was from Ur, which is in Southern Iraq !
6. Isaac's wife Rebekah is from Nahor, which is in Iraq !
7. Jacob met Rachel in Iraq
8. Jonah preached in Nineveh - which is in Iraq
9. Assyria, which is in Iraq, conquered the ten tribes of Israel
10. Amos cried out in Iraq !
11 Babylon , which is in Iraq , destroyed Jerusalem
12. Daniel was in the lion's den in Iraq !
13. The three Hebrew children were in the fire in Iraq (Jesus had been in Iraq also as the fourth person in the Fiery Furnace!)
14. Belshazzar, the King of Babylon saw the 'writing on the wall' in Iraq
15. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, carried the Jews captive into Iraq
16. Ezekiel preached in Iraq
17. The wise men were from Iraq
18. Peter preached in Iraq
19. The 'Empire of Man' described in Revelation is called Babylon , which was a city in Iraq !
Do you know which nation is the second most mentioned in the bible?
It is Iraq !
However, that is not the name that is used in the Bible.
The names used in the Bible are Babylon , Land of Shinar , and Mesopotamia ... The word Mesopotamia means between the two rivers, more exactly between the Tigris And Euphrates Rivers .
The name Iraq , means country with deep roots.
Indeed Iraq is a country with deep roots and is a very significant country in the Bible.
The following verse is from the Koran, (the Islamic Bible)
Koran ( 9:11 ) - For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced...
Population Reduction and the Globalist Agenda; the Ukraine example
On October 30th, 2009 editors of local papers in Kyiv, Ukraine received a flood of phone calls from citizens reporting low flying aircraft spraying an unknown aerosolized substance over L’viv, Ternopil and other cities. On October 27th, the Ukrainian media broke the story that on October 26th, in Ternopil an unknown flu had killed seven people , and that over the past few days about 6 thousand people had sought out medical attention in regards to flu like symptoms. From this first report through to the 9th of November over 1 million people inside the Ukraine people have contracted some form of flu like illness. This is almost double the number of ‘confirmed’ H1N1 cases worldwide in all other countries. There have also been over 155 deaths reported due to influenza during this time. This outbreak is unprecedented yet it has received minimal coverage in the western media. It just seemed to get lost amidst all of the swine flu coverage, and written off as just more cases of H1N1 before any lab samples had been processed.
In the Ukrainian and Russian media however, the outbreak has been treated more seriously and has been referred to as ‘pneumonic plague’. On October 29th, a report came out of Ukraine describing the deaths of 6 young people in the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. After the autopsies were performed it was recorded that the cause of death in these individuals was “severe hemorrhagic pneumonia”. Also unconfirmed reports from bloggers in the Western said that doctors were seeing this as a new form of a flu that killed much faster than the regular H1N1 virus. Soon Ukrainians started to panic, and the stores emptied of masks and all forms of flu medication. Even onions, garlic, and lemons became scarce in some cities. As a countermeasure to this outbreak, 9 Oblasts (cities) were placed under quarantine by the government. The WHO sent a team of experts to take samples of this new flu and send them back to the Mill Hill lab in London to determine the gene sequences of this flu, and to discover if this was in fact the same Californian/Mexican A/H1N1 virus. On November 3rd, the WHO announced that the samples had been received at Mill Hill, yet almost a week later there have been no reports issued and no gene sequence data released. If these were typical samples it seems that an announcement would have been made already. The silence is deafening. It should also be noted that rumors of the doctors being told not to disseminate any information about the new flu cases that would incite any panic, were later confirmed by statements made by the Ukrainian government that police have been told to confiscate hospital reports on patients who have recently contracted the flu. All things considered, it would not be a surprise if this unidentified virus turned out to be far more serious than the mild A/H1N1 circulating the globe.
Two unconfirmed reports, one in 2002 and one in 2009 by alleged government insiders revealed that at some point that live 1918 Spanish flu would be released on a large scale in the form of a vaccine, for the purpose of mass genocide. The August 2009 report by Joseph Moshe revealed that he was involved with Baxter in a plan to release the 1918 virus in the Ukraine. Not only was it confirmed that he was a microbiologist, his claim was also substantiated by the current Ukrainian outbreak. After a number of deaths in September the Ukrainian government”banned the use of the H1N1 vaccine. This would make it quite difficult to release the 1918 virus as described by Joseph Moshe.” It now seems as though the vaccine ban will be lifted and h1n1 vaccines will be forced on the people of Ukraine. “On November 9th”the”Globe and Mail“published a story that revealed, despite”previous claims“by the Ukrainian Government that they had not authorized the use of aerosolized medication on the public as a response to the outbreak, that they in fact “sprayed the city with the necessary products”.” Was this in fact medication or disinfectant? If so why would the government deny this? “Was the spraying in fact a release of the mystery flu? Was the original intention to release it via the vaccine? Was the aerosol release the plan B after the Ukrainian government banned the use of the vaccine? A blog post from a Lviv resident claimed that his mother who works for the city council received a text message the night of Oct 29th from a colleague warning her to keep her windows closed as something was to be sprayed. The context wasn’t crystal clear. It could have been a warning regarding a street disinfecting procedure as is often done during typhoid outbreaks. The government’s denial is not irrefutable proof of a bio-attack, but it is suspicious.
As reported by SkyWatch Canada on September 15th , the frequency of low flying aircraft with unusual flight patterns have caught the attention of Canadians living in the Nation’s Capital. Is there a chance that Canadians are being acclimated to these types of flight patterns for a future bio-release ? In 1994 such an event took place in the town of Oakville, Washington where there were confirmed reports of a clear gel like substance raining form the sky and making residents horribly ill. Readers should also be reminded of the report given on the Power Hour radio show in March 2009, about truckloads of “bird flu” being delivered throughout America to underground missile silos orchestrated by the department of homeland security. Several of those loads were delivered into the back of a military C-130 (an aircraft often equipped with an aerosol dispersal system). Was this multi-million dollar operation conducted for the purpose of spreading the mild and basically insignificant H1N1 demi-flu ? Or has the final phase of the operation yet to occur? Has the event to justify the recent American National Emergency yet to occur? Will the CDC finally make use of their scores of mass graves and plastic caskets? Will the military be deployed to put the country under pandemic lockdown, as we have seen in the Ukraine? Far too much has been put into the H1N1 fiasco for it to amount to a mere outbreak of the common cold. It seems like many pieces of a plan have been put in place. Will the NWO put the people in check? Will the virus ‘Mutate’? Is this the beginning of the Globalist Endgame of population reduction ?
There are reports now coming from Romania, India, Bulgaria, Belarus, Turkey, Norway that the rate on increase of flu is increasing rapidly. In Norway foe example 300,000 residents contacted the flu in a single week. Whatever disease has been released is moving across Europe fast. This bug has spread too widely to be a Ukrainian election scam. Readers should note that just before the outbreak in Ukraine, the government was running pneumonic plague drills. In early November, there were also pneumonic plague drills being run in Illinois. Connect the dots. Notable there have also been reports of heavy supply and personnel movement in and out of known D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) very recently. According to an unconfirmed report the parking lots of these bases are full and haven’t been this full since just after 911. What is going on? Will this fast moving disease be released in America? Listen for low flying aircraft. Shut your windows at night. Stock up on colloidal silver, antibiotics and high quality vitamins. Please watch the skies!
The Testimony of a Mossad Agent; H1N1 is a bioweapon
VIDEO: H1N1 is a bioweapon by Mossad agent-Professor Jo Moshe blew the whistle in August about Baxter, Ukraine and their manufacture of H1N1 bioweapon vaccine and now look what we are witnessing in Ukraine today-it has come to past. A must watch before you take that flu shot!
Today, the MSM are not talking about this case any more. Yesterday, they wanted us to believe that Joseph Moshe was a nutcase and a terrorist, arrested for threatening to bomb the White House. Interesting detail about his arrest (the “Westwood standoff”) was that he seemed to be immune to the 5 cans of tear gas and 5 gallons of law-enforcement grade pepper spray they pumped into his face. He very calmly remained in his car, as the video footage of his arrest shows.
Professor Moshe had called into a live radio show by Dr. A. True Ott, (explanation of Joseph Moshe’s call at 06:00) broadcast on Republic Broadcasting claiming to be a microbiologist who wanted to supply evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 Swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions. He said that Baxter’s Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death.
Sources tell us that Bar-Joseph Moshe made no threat against the President or the White House. He did not mention any bomb or attack. He then proceeded to inform the White House he intended to go public with this information. When he noticed men in suits in front of his house and feared that the FBI was about to detain him, he packed some belongings into his car and, him being a dual Israeli citizen, tried to reach the Israeli consulate located in close proximity to the federal building where the standoff took place. The FBI and the bomb squad prevented him from reaching it. Who is this man? His profile on says he is a plant disease expert with many publications on his name involving the genetic manipulation of virii. Photographic evidence that Moshe is who he says he is can be found here.
Joseph Moshe was soon after his arrest sent or let go to Israel. Nothing has been heard from him since. The Secret Service was not the agency involved in the surveillance of Moshe at his home in California. This was done by the FBI, who had orders to detain or arrest him. Mounted on top of a large black vehicle used in his arrest was a microwave weapon that possibly damaged the electronics in Moshe’s car as well as any communication devices he had which might have been used to contact the media or others who could help him.
Moshe did not suffer the same effects of the gas and pepper spray that others would have because he had built up an immunity to such weapons as a by-product of his Mossad training. Moshe was not handcuffed because he was not placed under arrest.
Does this sound like an insane conspiracy theory? Sure it does. Due to the scarcity and anonimity of the sources we would dismiss it as exactly that, if it weren’t for some uncomfortable facts: Baxter Pharmaceutical has been caught, red-handed, in spreading a live, genetically engineered H5N1 Bird flu vaccine as a lethal biological weapon all over the world, destined to be used for human vaccinations. This happened just a few months ago. And only luck prevented a global catastrophe of epic proportions.
Baxter International Inc. had mixed live, genetically engineered avian flue viruses in vaccine material shipped to 18 countries. Only by sheer luck, a Czech laboratory decided to test the vaccine on a dozen ferrets, which all died in days. The World Health Organization was notified and catastrophe was averted. This was clearly a deliberate act on Baxter’s part, because they adhere to BS3, bio-safety level three. Baxter admitted a “mistake”. Such monumental screwups are totally impossible at that level. Many safety systems would have needed to be sabotaged, many key personell would have needed to be bribed. It simply can’t be done without direction from the inside. They did not send out the wrong vial – they produced dozens of gallons of biological-weapon agent (genetically engineered live H5N1 / Bird flu virus), then sent it out as a “vaccine”.
Baxter knew full well that their vaccine was lethal, because the year before they had tested it on a few hundred homeless Polish people – dozens died as a result.
Where’s the meat? Well – Baxter is now being sued for the deliberate, repeated contamination of vaccines with biological weapons designed – by them – to mass-murder people. Here is the complaint (PDF). By some kook nutcase? Not likely – Jane Burgermeister is an experienced, respected journalist. She is not the only one suing Baxter for planning and executing a plan for global genocide: Others are filing complaints as well. Read a well-researched complaint here (PDF).
Qui bono? We think it may be profit-motivated or even sheer incompetence, but for the conspiracy-minded: The latter complaint alludes to intentional “culling of the herd”. Have you heard of the Georgia Guidestones? An enormous monument loaded with Masonic symbolism costing millions of dollars, it has been erected by unknown, powerful elites (multimillionaires with the clout to erect monuments wherever they please, obviously) around 30 years ago. It gives an “alternative ten commandments”, of which the first is the extermination of six and a half billion people from the face of the Earth. Half a billion will remain. This is the number of people the planet can sustain indefinitely, so that the descendents of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers can live in peace and affluence indefinitely. Slaves are needed to produce that luxury, but 500 million will do just fine. But how does one go about killing off most of the world?
“Vaccinating” the planet with a bioweapon with near-100% mortality would do the trick. Baxter would provide both the bioweapon as well as the vaccine against it to “civilized” Western peoples. Result: We can plunder Africa, we have no more competition from SE Asia, the oil is for our taking and only Western and perhaps Chinese sheeple remain.
Rockefeller said this in 1994 at a U.N. dinner: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.” PNAC said something similar right before 9/11.
Just weeks after the arrest of alleged Jewish terrorist, Yaakov Teitel, a West Bank rabbi on Monday released a book giving Jews permission to murder non-Jews, including babies and children who pose an actual or potential threat to Jews or Israel.
Rabbi Yitzhak Shapiro, who heads the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in the Yitzhar settlement, wrote in his book "The King's Torah" that even babies and children can be killed if they pose a threat to the nation.
"It is permissable to kill the Righteous among Nations even if they are not responsible for the threatening situation," he wrote, adding: "If we kill a Gentile (non-Jew) who has sinned or has violated one of the seven commandments - because we care about the commandments - there is nothing wrong with the murder." Shapiro claims his edict “is fully justified by the Torah and the Talmud.”
Several prominent rabbis, including Rabbi Yithak Ginzburg and Rabbi Yaakov Yosef, have recommended the book to their students and followers.
"...there is nothing wrong with the murder." says the fool, except that murder by its very definition is a very serious crime in this world we live in.
Goyim are mentally inferior to Jews and can’t run their nations properly. For their sake and ours, we need to abolish their governments and replace them with a single government. This will take a long time and involve much bloodshed, but it’s for a good cause. Here’s what we’ll need to do:
* Place our agents and helpers everywhere * Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans * Start fights between different races, classes and religions * Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way * Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials * Appeal to successful people’s egos * Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail * Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism * Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us * Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary * Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism * Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect * Rewrite history to our benefit * Create entertaining distractions * Corrupt minds with filth and perversion * Encourage people to spy on one another * Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor * Take possession of all wealth, property and (especially) gold * Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc. * Introduce a progressive tax on wealth * Replace sound investment with speculation * Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments * Give bad advice to governments and everyone else
Eventually the Goyim will be so angry with their governments (because we’ll blame them for the resulting mess) that they’ll gladly have us take over. We will then appoint a descendant of David to be king of the world, and the remaining Goyim will bow down and sing his praises. Everyone will live in peace and obedient order under his glorious rule.