Saturday, August 31, 2013

America Totally Discredited

Photo Courtesy

"A foolish President Obama and moronic Secretary of State Kerry have handed the United States government its worst diplomatic defeat in history and destroyed the credibility of the Office of the President, the Department of State, and the entire executive branch. All are exposed as a collection of third-rate liars.

Intoxicated with hubris from past successful lies and deceptions used to destroy Iraq and Libya, Obama thought the US “superpower,” the “exceptional” and “indispensable” country, could pull it off again, this time in Syria."~~~Paul Craig Roberts

by Paul Craig Roberts
August 31, 2013

A foolish President Obama and moronic Secretary of State Kerry have handed the United States government its worst diplomatic defeat in history and destroyed the credibility of the Office of the President, the Department of State, and the entire executive branch. All are exposed as a collection of third-rate liars.

Intoxicated with hubris from past successful lies and deceptions used to destroy Iraq and Libya, Obama thought the US “superpower,” the “exceptional” and “indispensable” country, could pull it off again, this time in Syria.

But the rest of the world has learned to avoid Washington’s rush to war when there is no evidence. A foolish Obama was pushed far out on the limb by an incompetent and untrustworthy National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, and the pack of neoconservatives that support her, and the British Parliament cut the limb off.

What kind of fool would put himself in that vulnerable position?

Now Obama stands alone, isolated, trying to back away from his threat to attack without authorization from anyone–not from the UN, not from NATO, not from Congress who he ignored–a sovereign country. Under the Nuremberg Standard military aggression is a war crime. Washington has until now got away with its war crimes by cloaking them in UN or NATO approval. Despite these “approvals,” they remain war crimes.

But his National Security Advisor and the neocon warmongers are telling him that he must prove that he is a Real Man who can stand alone and commit war crimes all by himself without orchestrated cover from the UN or NATO or a cowardly US Congress. It is up to Obama, they insist, to establish for all time that the President of the United States is above all law. He, and he alone is the “decider,” the Caesar, who determines what is permissible. The Caesar of the “sole superpower” must now assert his authority over all law or Washington’s hegemony over the world is lost.

As I noted in an earlier column today, if Obama goes it alone, he will be harassed for the rest of his life as a war criminal who dares not leave the US. Indeed, a looming economic collapse could so alter the power and attitude of the United States that Obama could find himself brought to justice for his war crimes.

Regardless, the United States government has lost its credibility throughout the world and will never regain it, unless the Bush and Obama regimes are arrested and put on trial for their war crimes.

Obama’s destruction of US credibility goes far beyond diplomacy. It is likely that this autumn or winter, and almost certainly in 2014, the US will face severe economic crisis.

The long-term abuse of the US dollar’s reserve currency role by the Federal Reserve and US Treasury, the never-ending issuance of new debt and printing of dollars to finance it, the focus of US economic policy on bailing out the “banks too big to fail” regardless of the adverse impact on domestic and world economies and holders of US Treasury debt, the awaiting political crisis of the unresolved deficit and debt ceiling limit that will greet Congress’ return to Washington in September, collapsing job opportunities and a sinking economy all together present the government in Washington with a crisis that is too large for the available intelligence, knowledge, and courage to master.

When the proverbial hits the fan, the incompetent and corrupt Federal Reserve and the incompetent and corrupt US Treasury will have no more credibility than Obama and John Kerry.

The rest of the world–especially Washington’s bullied NATO puppet states–will take great delight in the discomfort of “the world’s sole superpower” that has been running on hubris ever since the Soviet collapse.

The world is not going to bail out Washington, now universally hated, with currency swaps, more loans, and foreign aid. Americans are going to pay heavily for their negligence, their inattention, their unconcern, and their ignorant belief that nothing can go wrong for them and that anything that does is temporary.

Two decades of jobs offshoring has left the US with a third world labor force employed in lowly paid domestic nontradable services, a workforce comparable to India’s of 40 years ago. Already the “world’s sole superpower” is afflicted with a large percentage of its population dependent on government welfare for survival. As the economy closes down, the government’s ability to meet the rising demands of survival diminishes. The rich will demand that the poor be sacrificed in the interest of the rich. And the political parties will comply.

Is this the reason that Homeland Security, a Nazi Gestapo institution, now has a large and growing para-military force equipped with tanks, drones, and billions of rounds of ammunition?

How long will it be before American citizens are shot down in their streets by “their” government as occurs frequently in Washington’s close allies in Egypt, Turkey, Bahrain?

Americans have neglected the requirements of liberty. Americans are so patriotic and so gullible that all the government has to do is to wrap itself in the flag, and the people, or too many of them, believe whatever lie the government tells. And the gullible people will defend the government’s lie to their death, indeed, to the death of the entire world.

If Americans keep believing the government’s lies, they have no future. If truth be known, Americans have already lost a livable future. The neocons’ “American Century” is over before it begun.

Update: I have heard from educated and aware friends that the presstitute media on the evening news are beating the drums for war. This shows what paid whores the US media is and their total disconnect from reality. Anyone who wastes their time on the US media is a brainwashed idiot, a danger to humanity.

Update 8:52 PM August 30: Is the White House idiot going to be a victim of his own careless presidential appointments?

Does he have no one to tell him how to escape the dilemma his moronic Secretary of State and National Security Advisor have put him in? Someone needs to tell the WH Fool that he must say that he accepts the conclusion of the world community that there is not sufficient evidence for launching a military attack on Syria and killing even more people than were killed in the alleged, but unproven, chemical attack, and that he awaits further and better evidence.

God help the moron and the unfortunate country that the fool represents.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is now available.

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Friday, August 30, 2013

Obama's Cruise Missle Diplomacy

by Stephen Lendman
Activist Post

On August 27, Pat Buchanan asked:

"Who deputized the United States to walk the streets of the world pistol-whipping bad actors?

Who made Barack Obama the Wyatt Earp of the Global Village?"

Obama claims "Congress doesn't have a whole lot of core responsibilities." Perhaps he's right.

Consider its "broad assent" to war on Syria, said Buchanan. It hasn't attacked America. It hasn't threatened to do so. Why does Obama plan cruise missile diplomacy?

"Where does (he) come off drawing 'red lines' and (daring) nations not to cross them?"

Who gave him the right to do so? Who made him sole authority? Who placed him above international, constitutional and US statute laws? Who appointed him imperial czar?

Settling things through the barrel of a gun reflects longstanding US policy. Shoot first, ask questions later defines it.

Invented pretexts initiate conflicts. Defending the indefensible repeats with disturbing regularity.

Obama's the latest in a long line warrior presidents. Imperial lawlessness defines his agenda. One war after another rages. No end in sight looms.

War is glorified in the name of peace. It's been that way from inception. Violence is a way of life. Pacifism is considered sissy and unpatriotic.

America isn't beautiful. It never was. For sure it isn't now. Rule of law principles don't matter.

Democratic values, common dignity, personal safety, and general welfare are illusions, not reality.

Violence defines US culture. It's reflected at home and abroad. America has the highest homicide rate among all Western countries.

Militarism's a way of life. Syria reflects a countdown to disaster. A rush to judgment suggests imminent bombs away. Belligerent diplomacy doesn't work. It never did. It won't now. Conflicts assure more of them.

The so-called war to end all wars led to more war. New ones follow earlier ones. They do so one after another. Washington bears full responsibility.

Israel and Britain share major guilt. With America, they represent the real axis of evil. They're responsible for embroiling the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia in endless conflicts.

So does France. Targeting Syria involves war on a former colony. At issue is shared recolonization in new form.

Demagogues take full advantage. Imperial madness follows. State terrorism is official US policy. America's killing machine never rests. Enemies are invented to feed it. War profiteers benefit most.

Violence and conflicts persist. Peace is a convenient illusion. It's unachievable. Warrior nations prevent it. America's by far the worst. Neocon extremism drives US policy.

It's true under Democrats and Republicans. Not a dime's worth of difference separates them. Duopoly power runs America. Monied interests control things. Whatever they want they get.

They crave waging war on Syria. Proxy death squads have done it so far. Obama's expectant cruise missile diplomacy changes things. He risks biting off more than he can chew.

Rick Rozoff's an activist/anti-war supporter. He's the Stop Nato web site editor. He documents global militarism. He opposes waging war on humanity.

He sees tragedy unfolding in Syria. He calls American leaders "madmen." They poised for war on any pretext. They crave it. They lurch from one to another.

Hundreds of cruise missiles target Syria. They're ready to be launched on orders. Tomahawk diplomacy is longstanding US policy.

It's a "coward's way of waging war," said Rozoff. Ready, aim, fire. Do it safely offshore. Do it from overhead drones. Slaughter innocent civilians in the process. They pay the greatest price for wars. They have no place to hide.

Obama reflects the worst of rogue leadership. He spurns international law. He's circumventing Congress. He does whatever he wants. He's judge, jury and executioner.

Syria, Lebanon and Iran are the only regional countries not partnered with America's imperium.

Others provide launching platforms for war. Doing so facilitates US dirty work, said Rozoff.

Until a larger number of world nations choose peace over "armed barbarism," what country will "say no to Washington," he asked? Doing so risks being "the next target."

Going along makes them complicit with imperial lawlessness. Internationalizing war on Syria risks "inflam(ing), exacerbat(ing), and worsen(ing) things, said Rozoff.

Russia's been warning about this all along. It especially does now. Escalating conflict on Syria risks a major regional conflagration. It risks spilling it cross borders. It risks expanding it globally. It risks possible WW III.

One country after another risks getting involved. What's ongoing reflects a possible end game. Rozoff calls it perhaps a "culmination" of America's longstanding plan to redraw North Africa, the Middle East and Eurasia.

Doing so may destroy it. America may perish at the same time. Perhaps mushroom shaped cloud finality awaits.

On August 27, Pat Buchanan asked:

"Who deputized the United States to walk the streets of the world pistol-whipping bad actors?

"Who made Barack Obama the Wyatt Earp of the Global Village?"

Obama claims "Congress doesn't have a whole lot of core responsibilities." Perhaps he's right.

Consider its "broad assent" to war on Syria, said Buchanan. It hasn't attacked America. It hasn't threatened to do so. Why does Obama plan cruise missile diplomacy?

"Where does (he) come off drawing 'red lines' and (daring) nations not to cross them?"

Who gave him the right to do so? Who made him sole authority? Who placed him above international, constitutional and US statute laws? Who appointed him imperial czar?

Where's the evidence justifying belligerent intervention? Inventing it doesn't wash. Congress is currently on summer break. Speaker Boehner can reconvene it quickly.

It can stop Obama's war. It can do so straightaway. It can stop all wars. It has appropriation powers. It can cut off all funding. It ended Southeast Asian fighting this way. It can do it again now.

It doesn't have the moral backbone to do so. It shares guilt with Obama. It's complicit in imperial crimes.

On August 27, Phyllis Bennis and David Wildman headlined "Moral Obscenities in Syria," saying:

"The threat a reckless, dangerous, and illegal US or US-led assault on Syria is looking closer than ever."

Doing so looks unstoppable. Accusing Assad of chemical weapons use provides pretext. Doing so doesn't wash. Allegations are easy to invent.

They're fabricated to facilitate policy. So-called evidence is manufactured out of whole cloth. Bombs away follows.

Later disclosures come too late to matter. Another country lies in ruins. The smell of death and human misery permeate everywhere. Imperial conquest alone matters.

"Does anyone really believe" war on Syria will help things, asked Bennis and Wildman? Do policymakers or others think it will "save any lives?"

Do they imagine the way to end conflict is by more of it? What about circumventing international law to do it.

What about calling lawlessness legal? What about turning fundamental laws and standards on their head?

What about democratic values? What about preaching one thing and doing another? What about demanding what we say goes.

Waging war on Syria assures more of it. Bennis and Wildman urge "tough diplomacy, not politically motivated military strikes." Launching them assures making "horrific war (much) worse."

A Final Comment

On August 28, Russia Today headlined "It's coming: US finalizing plans for military strike on Syria," saying:

"Two unnamed White House officials" said targets to be struck are being finalized. War looks inevitable.

Kerry, Biden and other US officials lied claiming "undeniable" proof Assad used chemical weapons. No evidence whatever proves it. So-called intelligence is fake.

Strike forces are in place to attack. They await orders to do so. Obama plans resolving things his way.

War is peace reflects official administration policy. So does destroying humanity to save it.

Attacking Syria is madness. Doing so risks greater conflict. It looms anyway. Obama defends the indefensible.

Business as usual continues. Rogue states operate that way. America's by far the worst.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at His new book is titled How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

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Thursday, August 29, 2013

NewsHour Interview with Obama: No Decision on Syria, Taking Action on Vo...

"We have looked at all the evidence, and we do not believe the opposition possessed nuclear weapons on – or chemical weapons of that sort . . . ."

Mike wants to know: "Nuclear weapons?! Did Obama accidentally slip and stopped himself from saying something he wasn't supposed to?"

Oh and by the way... happy birthday Mike!

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Water Wars: Corporations Begin To Lay Claim To the World's Water

by Jordan Rubin

It’s bad enough that Nestlé former CEO—now Chairman of the Board—Peter Brabeck-Letmathe supports GMO farming, saying that genetically modified (GM) foods are “perfectly safe” and don’t cause any health problems, while also saying that organic farming is “not the best".

But now he’s dipped his toes into the water supply, indicating that the world’s water supply should—and will soon—come under the control of corporations such as Nestlé. He believes that water should be managed by businesses and governing personnel. In short, Brabeck-Letmathe wants water to be controlled, privatized and delegated, monitoring and controlling people’s water use—including amounts and how and where it’s used.
And let’s be honest . . . since Brabeck unwaveringly supports GM farming, you can bet that GM foods would have first priority of water rights, while organic farming would be forced out. You can view the video of Brabeck-Letmathe speaking his mind about GM farming and water supply in this interview:

Underlying Brabeck-Letmathe’s premise is his company being one of the largest foodstuff corporations on the planets—over $65 billion in profit each year. He’s also quick to point out that millions of people are dependent on him and his company. But that’s not enough for him. He also wants to control the global water supply. He understands that one-third of the population could face water shortages within the next 15 to 20 years, and he’d like to be a part of a “water dictatorship.”

Unfortunately, we don’t have to wait 15 to 20 years to see people who lack adequate water. Currently, there are nearly one-third of our world’s population—approximately 900 million people—who don’t have access to clean water. In fact, less than 1 percent of the water on our planet is drinkable untreated.

You may think the idea of water control is far removed, but some states in the West have had laws in place for some time that outlaw people from collecting rainwater on their own properties without a “valid water right.”

For example, Colorado and Washington have rainwater and snowmelt collection restrictions limiting the free use of that water. In fact, Washington says that reclaiming rainwater is illegal because it’s seen as a natural resource owned by the state and, therefore, falls under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Ecology.

You see, the water wars have been around for a while, but have gained even more attention in the past couple of decades, since water shortages and water waste have come to the fore. It’s truly something to contend with, too, and the United States is one of the greatest water users with each person, on average, using about 150 gallons of water daily. By contrast, Britain uses approximately 30 gallons per person daily, while people in countries such as Kenya subsist on less than 5 gallons per day.

It’s no wonder there are water wars.

Perhaps Cheryl King Fisher, executive director of the Vermont-based New England Grassroots Environmental Fund, sums it up best: “The tension between public ownership and privatization of our water resources is enormous. Water is the gold of the current century.”

And it’s “gold” that corporations such as Nestlé would like to take and keep, so beware.

Jordan Rubin is a NY Times Bestselling Author and Natural Health Industry Icon. A pioneer in the areas of raw, whole food nutritional supplements with Garden of Life, the brand he founded--Jordan is now working on a project called Beyond Organic, a project dedicated to helping others experience health transformations.

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Friday, August 09, 2013

The England Hypothesis and a future foretold

by Michael .O. Dibiaezue

I first read about the England Hypothesis on this blog a few days ago. Simply put, it murdered sleep for me. Its implications are alarming and are sure to alter our lives and world in a way that is completely outside the realms of human cognition.

The England Hypothesis focuses primarily on the use of vaccines to create Genetically Modified Babies (GMBs) called autistic children. These children are later turned into worker drones to keep “… the Neo-Aristocrats clean, fed, mobile and entertained.”

For those who have not read this hypothesis:

"According to the England Hypothesis, vaccine injury-induced autism is an intentional chemical manipulation used to create millions of worker drones – sterile, docile, unable to question the conditions handed to them for their lives, content with boring, repetitive tasks, placid, disposable and interchangeable. In short, autists are the ‘deltas’ and ‘epsilons’ of the brave New World Order toward which we are being herded through intentional social, political and genetic manipulation consistent with the genocidal aspirations of the globalists and their horrifying Agenda 21."

The implications unraveled by this hypothesis are horrifying but when we think about it a little deeper and in the context of the ongoing genetic modification of virtually everything we eat and drink, these implications jump to life.

Dwelling on the England Hypothesis unravels thought provoking scenarios. In the course of my reflections on the England Hypothesis, it occurred to me that vaccines may not be the only vehicle for transporting gene-altering chemicals into our body systems. My first suspect in this area was Monsanto.

Monsanto may have contaminated our food chain to an extent that is yet to be fully understood. It has probably survived this pursuit through the manipulation of political and legal systems and by ensuring that most food outlets and manufacturers become ensnared by their own desire to maximize profits. For example Kellogg, manufacturers of some of the world’s most popular cereals, is a known conveyer of GM products. Heinz, Aunt Jemima, Enfamil, Nabisco, Bisquik, Hungry Jack, Quaker, Cadbury, Kraft, Carnation, Nestle and a very long list of others may have already been taken over by Monsanto through their GMO yields.

The Organic Consumers Association informs us that:

“Genetically engineered sugar beets have been grown commercially in the US since 2008. That year about half of the crop was genetically engineered. The industry projected that about 90 percent of sugar beets would be genetically engineered by 2009. So, with 50% of the sugar supply from sugar beets, most of us have probably already been exposed to genetically engineered sugar.

Monsanto wouldn't be able to accomplish this lightning-fast market saturation without the monopolistic power it gained by buying up seed companies. While industrial producers say they like the way the herbicide-resistant crop saves labor, they are wary of the power Monsanto has to restrict their choices and raise prices.”

“Make me two bronze Eunuchs and a voluptuous Brunette to go with dinner James”

The World Health Organization’s website states:

“Genetically modified (GM) foods are foods derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally, e.g. through the introduction of a gene from a different organism.”

It concludes:

“In the future, genetic modification could be aimed at altering the nutrient content of food, reducing its allergenic potential, or improving the efficiency of food production systems.”

Considering what the England Hypothesis deduces about vaccines and intentional chemical manipulation coupled to the WHO’s conclusions as stated above and its penchant for fronting innovational scientific decadence as altruistic, I would say, most regrettably, that what confronts our world today are indeed of unimaginable diabolic proportions.

My deepest convictions tell me all of humanity is an endangered species. If the WHO can admit that our future food chain could be nutritionally and genetically altered, to whatever ends evil minds and mortals desire, then that conclusion of itself confirms the England Hypothesis.

The England Hypothesis deduces that scientific methods which genetically alter humans exist. These methods come with the ability to serially restructure the human DNA according to one’s desired goals for a chosen target area. It further observes that this human zombie project is aimed at turning our kids into worker drones as they approach adulthood in that altered condition.

As Dr. Rima Laibow, M.D. reported, Lord David Freud, a Member of the House of Lords, said in his speech on March 20, 2012:

“…it makes good business sense to employ people who are reliable, punctual and loyal; people who have good attention to detail and concentration levels; people who have excellent problem solving skills and can be analytical, resourceful and creative. What good employer wouldn’t want an employee with those skills?”

Lord David Freud was Vice Chairman of Investment banking at UBS AG.

Dr. Rima also reports on an article in praise of Goldman Sachs for employing autistic children:

“He is part of the most visible generation of young people with autism our society has ever known. Diagnosed early, this generation have been educated to expect not just a job when they leave school but a career on a par with their 'neuro-typical' contemporaries.”

Note how “neuro-typical” almost comes out sounding like neuro-challenged in view of the effusive praise contained in the above quote. It would appear the bankers are already cashing in on the cheap human drone labor market.

What next? Humans will be altered to exact specifications to create designer drones for the pleasure of the globalist elite. And orders will be placed: “Make me two bronze Eunuchs and a voluptuous Brunette to go with dinner James”.

He who controls the food chain controls all life

I think one of our biggest mistakes is to assume Monsanto is merely after the global monopoly of our food chain. Ask yourself, why should Monsanto stop after acquiring such a monopoly whereas it’s in the business of genetically and nutritionally altering our global eco-systems? Yes, control of our global food chain grants untold powers to Monsanto but to what end? Obviously, money has never been an issue for this dark behemoth; it has to be something unnaturally ecstatic that propels its campaign.

But of course, the likes of Bill Gates, who has been pushing an oral polio vaccine that has crippled tens of thousands of lovely Pakistani kids and who also is heavily invested in Monsanto stocks and eugenics, must have realized that he was set to drown in the growing global uproar over vaccines. What better way to transport his eugenics’ poison into our blood streams than through the choice of food that we freely consume.

An example will help bring clarity to this discourse. In Bill Gates’ speech to an invitation-only Long Beach, California TED2010 Conference, he declared:

"First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."
What Bill Gates clearly stated in everyday speak was that he expects vaccines to be used as a tool for global population reduction. This man would do well by offering himself up as a good example in population reduction.

At a press conference in 2001, a little known company called Epicyte had its President announce to the world:

“We have a hothouse filled with corn plants that make anti-sperm antibodies.”
What Mitch Hein was referring to was the ability for his company to take antibodies from women with a rare condition known as immune infertility, isolate the genes that govern the manufacture of those infertility antibodies and with genetic engineering techniques, infuse those genes into seeds that produce corn plants.

What they actually created was a hidden contraceptive embedded in corn offered for human consumption.

Hein brags:

“Essentially, the antibodies are attracted to surface receptors on the sperm… They latch on and make each sperm so heavy it cannot move forward. It just shakes about as if it was doing the lambada”

Lambada? Funny, but I don't see the joke to it. Hein went on to gloat about how their invention could be a solution to global “over-population” while clearly ignoring the consequences of feeding that Frankenstein maize to unsuspecting populations without consent. Hein could ignore such consequences because Congress has refused to do what is right and pass laws that compel food farms and outlets to label GMOs.

It should be obvious from the foregoing that aside vaccines, other scientific methods must exist for conveying DNA-altering chemicals into our body systems. There is not a single doubt in my bones that these scientific innovations would be brought forward to meet the ends that the England Hypothesis so eloquently exposes.

I have never felt so inadequate and this challenged in my entire life. The really hard part is to realize that people just cannot wrap it around their heads how endangered we have become by all this. I know some who say we are headed for extinction and for very good reasons.

Monsanto’s agenda ought to be clear for all to see by now. They do not just want control of what we eat but of every move we make and of all our thought streams. Like cows in a pen, we are being fed fodder that alters the way we think, function and behave as humans.

After poisoning all of our arable land globally and making them only herbicide/pesticide-resistant seeds capable, Monsanto could impose unthinkable starvation on our world at will and punish those countries that dared to boycott its campaign. These countries will be brought to their knees while begging for Monsanto’s devil seeds.

Monsanto and FDA in bed? Well, look whose on top of things!

It is that simple, Monsanto’s global agenda may be to create a planet of apes and zombies and they are not about to let “minor irritants” as Sovereign laws and Democracy get in their way.

Behind the globalists god-complex and insatiable urge for death and treasure lurks a dangerous club of lunatic sociopaths. Having manufactured all manners of human drones to carter to their every need and whim, what do you suppose they would be doing with all that free time? Aside watching live blood sports and gazing across their new found empires, all that will be left for their warped minds would be to dream up more evil ways of stretching the human spirit.

Our very soil is being altered to resist nature and everything that sprouts from it. Our aquifers and air may have been polluted and contaminated with Monsanto chemicals that drift upwards, poison our soil and seep through it. So, why do we bother about politics, impact assessment and economics when there is a war of unknown proportions to erase every social pact there is and alter all of humanity as we know it?

There is a war on for the very oxygen we breathe, for the water we drink and for the make-up of the very blood that courses our entire body; a war for everything we hold dear and life itself. Be not deceived, this is not a drill, ladies and gentlemen, it’s the real thing: hell on earth, the much anticipated apocalypse.

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Sunday, August 04, 2013

The England Hypothesis: the Real Reason Behind The Autism Pandemic

According to the England Hypothesis, vaccine injury-induced autism is an intentional chemical manipulation used to create millions of worker drones – sterile, docile, unable to question the conditions handed to them for their lives, content with boring, repetitive tasks, placid, disposable and interchangeable. In short, autists are the ‘deltas’ and ‘epsilons’ of the brave New World Order toward which we are being herded through intentional social, political and genetic manipulation consistent with the genocidal aspirations of the globalists and their horrifying Agenda 21.

No one would wish an autistic child on his/her family. No one could harm a child intentionally to that extent. No one wants to see minds and lives destroyed. Right?

Wrong, according to the England Hypothesis.

According to the England Hypothesis, vaccine injury-induced autism is an intentional chemical manipulation used to create millions of worker drones – sterile, docile, unable to question the conditions handed to them for their lives, content with boring, repetitive tasks, placid, disposable and interchangeable. In short, autists are the ‘deltas’ and ‘epsilons’ of the brave New World Order toward which we are being herded through intentional social, political and genetic manipulation consistent with the genocidal aspirations of the globalists and their horrifying Agenda 21.

A moment of historical perspective is in order, since this has been in the works for a very long time.

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World was published in 1932. In that dystopian view of our future, babies were created to serve the state, raised in Hatcheries and Conditioning Centers, where they are divided into five castes, each designed to fulfill predetermined positions within the social and economic strata of the World State. Fetuses chosen to become members of the highest castes, ‘Alpha’ and ‘Beta’, are allowed to develop naturally while maturing to term in “decanting bottles”. Fetuses chosen to become members of the lower castes (‘Gamma’, ‘Delta’, ‘Epsilon’) are subjected to carefully designed specific chemical interference to cause arrested development in intelligence or physical growth.

High cast members are individuals since each ‘Alpha’ or ‘Beta’ is the product of one unique fertilized egg developing into one unique fetus. Members of lower castes are not unique but are interchangeable and disposable drones since large numbers are spawned from a single ovum.

We do not yet have decanting bottles and hatcheries in which to produce Genetically Modified babies. In our world, 2013, they are created with syringes. They are not called deltas and epsilons. They are called autistic people.

The England Hypothesis suddenly explains – and predicts, as any good hypothesis should – the otherwise inexplicable and currently mysterious.

It makes total sense out of the totally unscientific and irrational vigor with which world bodies support increasing numbers of highly toxic vaccines for every child, even before they are born, knowing full well that these children will be damaged – chemically altered – forever, but denying it with insane fervor. It also makes total sense out of the vicious and illogical attacks on those who call vaccines out for what they are: syringes of death, inefficient, inexact, illegal, uninsurable, disastrously dangerous and scientifically unsupported practice of vaccination.

Those who survive somewhat intact are intended for the bottom tier of the labor pool – the technicians and working prols keeping the Neo-Aristocrats clean, fed, mobile and entertained.

Some autistic people are employable. Some are not. But the ones who are make perfect technoids: happy with routine tasks, happy with predictable, controlled environments and lives, happy with limited aspirations and capable of docile, life-long passivity if their routine needs are met, eager to please and sometimes very good at highly linear tasks like programing.

So autism, we realize, thanks to the brilliant insight of our Dr. Rima Reports guest this week, Christina England (mother of two autistic vaccine injured adults) is a useful trait induced in a large number of children for their technician classes.

Let’s test this horrifying hypothesis against the known facts, shall we? Goldman Sachs this week announced the funding of a program to hire the autistic. The links at the end of this article take you to just a few of the programs now receiving funding and plaudits from globalists like Goldman Sachs and Bill Gates.

As Lord David Freud, a Member of the House of Lords, said in his speech on March 20, 2012,

…it makes good business sense to employ people who are reliable, punctual and loyal; people who have good attention to detail and concentration levels; people who have excellent problem solving skills and can be analytical, resourceful and creative. What good employer wouldn’t want an employee with those skills?

Indeed, what good employer would not? But what lengths would that good employer and his friends go to in order to make sure that there were plenty of people in that pool, plenty of deltas and plenty of epsilons?

The length of a syringe, perhaps. The England Hypothesis, to which I subscribe, says they would – and, horrifyingly, do. Millions and millions of times per day, all over the world.

Fox News reports that SAP, a huge German company which employs 65,000 programmers world-wide now want 10% of their programmers to be autistic persons. Justifying their interest in autistic programmers, Fox tells us “The multinationals both say they hope to harness the unique talents of autistic people as well as giving people previously marginalized in the workforce a chance to flourish in a job."

How nice. What about people with Spinal Bifida? Parkinson’s Disease? Cerebral Palsy, flipper limbs? harelip?

The propaganda is flowing, now that vaccine injured persons are reaching marketable age.

An article lauding a Goldman Sachs program to hire autistic persons says,

He is part of the most visible generation of young people with autism our society has ever known. Diagnosed early, this generation have been educated to expect not just a job when they leave school but a career on a par with their 'neuro-typical' contemporaries.

‘Neuro-typical’ sounds like Brave New World Order speak for Alphas and Betas.

There are Several Natural Solutions to this Horrid Plan for our Future

The FIRST, for those who are still neurologically intact, is not to vaccinate anyone with anything ever again. There are religious, medical and philosophical exemptions available to most of us. Getting them is burdensome, but autism, cancer and a life of pain and suffering is more burdensome.

The SECOND, for those who are already damaged, is to stop vaccinations now and forever more. None work, despite the propaganda, and all are dangerous. See the paragraph above. There are excellent lawyers and organizations who will help you gain an iron-clad exemption for your children and yourself.

The THIRD is to take this Action Item, VaccineRefuser, telling your decision makers that you absolutely reject forced vaccination or other drugging now and forever for every one of your family members and then commit to motivating at least 10 others to do the same and motivate 10 more, etc. Mass resistance is fertile, not futile.

And the FOURTH is to become an advocate for vaccine truth. Tell your friends, neighbors, church members, relatives, people in the supermarket checkout line, playground parents, co-workers, that you do not support vaccination and that you are a vaccine refuser as I am.

In fact, I invite you personally to send me a less than 1 minute video telling me why you are a vaccine refuser. Email it to me at We’ll create a Vaccine Refuser’s Wall of Fame and you’ll be there along with me.

Ultimately, vaccination is perhaps the clearest issue of health freedom or slavery.

Either you own your body and control what goes into it or you do not. Either you are a free person or one whose body belongs to someone else.

Either you control your genetic matrix or someone else has the right to alter it for their purposes.

Oh, by the way, your support of the Natural Solutions Foundation is essential.

You should donate now to keep health freedom free. We cannot do it without your support. Here’s the link Set up a generous recurring donation now. You should do this now.

Thank you.

Yours in health and freedom,
Dr. Rima

[3] Ibid

The Dr. Rima Truth Reports Interview with Christia England
08.01.13 10 PM Eastern at – Studio B (Archive too)
- See more at:

Rima E. Laibow, MD, who is licensed to practice medicine in 3 states, has practiced drug free medicine and psychiatry for nearly 45 years. She is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation,, the world's largest Health Freedom organization. Her email is

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Friday, August 02, 2013

Consumer alert: Most common vitamins, including children's vitamins, found to contain GMOs

Natural News

Natural News investigation reveals that an alarmingly large number of multivitamins and individual nutrient vitamins are formulated with ingredients derived from genetically modified corn.

This is the “dirty little secret” of the vitamin industry, but it’s not one the mainstream media will touch because they refuse to admit GMOs are a problem to begin with. Those in the know, however, realize that eating any ingredients derived from GMOs may expose them to the BT insecticide chemicals found in GM corn.

GMOs are truly “hidden” in vitamins because the GM-derived ingredients are so heavily processed that all DNA is destroyed in the process, thereby destroying any footprint of genetic modification. Genetic ID tests, in other words, require particles of the food to remain relatively intact so that PCR lab equipment can replicate genetic sequences. Heavily processed ingredients such as high-fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin and ascorbic acid have no genetic material remaining, thereby sweeping their origins under the rug.

This is one reason who so many vitamins sold today are formulated with GMOs. This includes virtually ALL the popular multivitamin brands sold at grocery stores and pharmacies, by the way.

List of ingredients that are usually GMO

The Non-GMO Project Verified website lists these ingredients as commonly harboring GMOs:

Amino Acids
Ascorbic Acid
Sodium Ascorbate
Vitamin C
Citric Acid
Sodium Citrate
Flavorings (“natural” and “artificial”)
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
Lactic Acid
Monosodium Glutamate
Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP)
Xanthan Gum
Yeast Products (such as yeast extract)

From this list, you can hopefully realize that:

• Nearly all “vegetarian” foods are GMO (loaded with yeast extract and soy).

• Nearly all sodas and soft drinks are GMO (HFCS, aspartame).

• Nearly all storable “emergency” food sold on the market today is GMO. (TVP, soy, MSG, yeast extract)

• Nearly all canned soups are GMO. (MSG, yeast extract)

• Nearly all children’s meals and snacks are GMO. (HFCS, MSG, soy, corn)

In other words, just about everything the consuming masses are eating is contaminated with GMOs.

Here’s a closer look at some of the more common GMO ingredients in vitamins and health products:

GMO ingredient #1 – Maltodextrin

Maltodextrin is a powdery, starch derivative of corn. It is used everywhere in the nutritional supplements industry, as a “filler” for fruit powders and drink mixes, as a “sweetener” for low-sugar health foods, and as a flow agent for vitamin capsules.

Unless it is certified as non-GMO, all maltodextrin should be assumed to come from GMO sources. The maltodextrin manufacturing supply chain isn’t even geared up to provide non-GMO maltodextrin, as the large-scale factories that produce the material run so much GM corn that there would be significant cross-contamination even if they tried to pull off a non-GMO run.

The few companies that offer non-GMO starches and sweeteners are increasingly gaining attention across the industry. I’m aware of one company called Austrade, Inc. that offers a full line of non-GMO corn-based starches and sweeteners, including non-GMO maltodextrin.

According to the company, they were the first producer to receive “Non-GMO Project Verified” approval for non-GMO maltodextrin.

Non-GMO maltodextrin is also making its way into health products such as “Ultima Replenisher,” a healthy replacement for those junk sports drinks made with GMO corn syrup, salt and low-grade minerals. Ultima Replenisher is completely GMO-free, relying on a non-GMO maltodextrin from certified sources.

A small company named also makes non-GMO microwaveable foods that are designed to be free of common allergens such as casein, soy, wheat, peanuts, dairy, GMOs, etc. (Although I have to wonder about the whole microwave concept…)

GMO ingredient #2 – Ascorbic acid

In the delusional world of western thinking on nutrients, ascorbic acid is called “vitamin C.”

It isn’t vitamin C, of course. Real vitamin C is a broad spectrum of synergistic compounds, never just an isolated, homogeneous molecule. But don’t tell that to doctors, scientists or journalists, because they’ve all bought into the “ascorbic acid is vitamin C” delusion.

So nearly all the common “vitamin C” pills are nothing more than heavily refined ascorbic acid derived from GM corn. That’s why those pills don’t work, by the way. So when the mainstream media declares, “Vitamin C shows no benefit…” in clinical trials, what they are really saying is that heavily processed ascorbic acid isolated from genetically modified corn doesn’t improve your health, and that’s no surprise.

Look on the labels of your cheap, low-grade vitamins and multivitamins… you’ll see “ascorbic acid” listed there, meaning you are eating GMOs. Throw those away. They’re crap.

If you want real vitamin C, your best bet is to eat camu camu, which is the planet’s highest source of natural, full-spectrum, food-based vitamin C. (The full synergy of nutrients, not just isolated chemicals.) Click here to see high-grade, certified organic camu camu powder at the Natural News Store.

(By the way, as a side note, the FDA came to our warehouse and took a large number of samples of our camu camu to run lab tests in their Arkansas lab headquarters. They were obviously looking for heavy metals and pesticide residues. The lab tests, as we knew they would, came back 100% clear. That’s because we’re one of the few companies to actually test all the raw materials we import. So now we have official confirmation that even the FDA agrees that our products are clean. In truth, our own stringent lab test requirements are MORE STRICT than the FDA!)

There are also some vitamin companies making non-GMO vitamin C formulations. Expect them to be expensive because all non-GMO vitamin C must be sourced outside the United States. There is currently no U.S.-based producer of non-GMO vitamin C. (It simply doesn’t exist.)

GMO ingredient #3 – Sucrose (heavily used in children’s vitamins)

Take a look at almost any children’s vitamins and you’ll find they’re made with several GMO ingredients: aspartame, sucrose and often citric acid, too.

In fact, children’s vitamins are by far the most toxic because they’re usually formulated with a much higher concentration of toxic ingredients such as artificial sweeteners, artificial colors and GMO-derived materials.

Children should be eating superfoods or food concentrates, not toxic vitamin pills. Remember, too, that the low-grade vitamin pills are manufactured by companies largely owned by the pharmaceutical industry. They have every incentive to make sure their vitamins actually cause health problems rather than prevent disease. This boosts their long-term profits as sick children become Big Pharma customers for life.

MegaFood receives the first non-GMO certification in the industry

When it comes to high quality food-based nutrients in a pill format, nobody beats MegaFood, the supplier Natural News has chosen as its supplement partner.

MegaFood’s manufacturing facility is the first and only facility in the United States to be certified non-GMO. Certification of all the company’s products is under way, but I have personally been informed that the entire product line has been 100% non-GMO since 2007. (Actual certification takes time and will be announced when the process is complete.)

Consumers looking for truly non-GMO sources of health-supporting minerals can check out MegaFood’s Balanced Minerals formulation.

Those seeking thyroid support should take a look at MegaFood’s Thyroid Strength formulation.

And for non-GMO multivitamins made from real food rather than isolated chemicals, MegaFood offers a full line of daily multivitamins for men and women.

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America Discredited

by Paul Craig Roberts

As Washington loses its grip on the world, defied by Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, and now Russia, the US government resorts to public temper tantrums. The constant demonstration of childishness on the part of the White House and Congress embarrasses every American.

Washington’s latest outburst of childish behavior is a response to the Russian Immigration Service granting US whistleblower Edward Snowden asylum in Russia for one year while his request for permanent asylum is considered. Washington, having turned the US into a lawless state, no longer has any conception of legal procedure. Law is whatever serves Washington. As Washington sees it, law is nothing but Washington’s will. Any person or country that interferes with Washington’s will is behaving unlawfully.

Because Obama, like Bush before him, routinely disobeys US law and the US Constitution, the White House actually thinks that Russian President Putin should disobey Russian and international law, overturn the Russian Immigration Service’s asylum decision, and hand over Snowden to Washington.

Washington expected Russia to hand over Snowden simply because Washington demanded it. Like a two-year old, Washington cannot conceive that its demands don’t take precedence over international law and the internal legal procedures of every country. How dare Russia stand up for law against “the indispensable nation.”

The White House spokesman, who is so unimpressive that I cannot remember his/her
name/gender, declared that the White House moron might punish Putin by not going to visit him in Moscow next month. I doubt Putin cares whether the WH moron shows up.

The WH moron’s term of office is close to an end, but Putin, unless the CIA assassinates him, will be there for another decade. Moreover, every Russian leader has learned that a US president’s word means nothing. Clinton, the two Bushes and the current WH moron violated every agreement that Reagan made with Gorbachev. Why would the president of Russia, a nation ruled by law, want to meet with a tyrant?

Not to be outdone by the WH in childish behavior, members of the House and Senate added their two-bits to America’s embarrassment. Congressional morons “reacted furiously,” according to news reports, and warned “of serious repercussions in US-Russian relations.” Here we have another extraordinary demonstration of Washington’s hubris. Only Russia has to worry about repercussions in the relationship. Washington doesn’t have to worry. His Imperial Majesty will simply deny Putin an audience.

Congress seems unaware of its schizophrenia. On the one hand Congress is outraged about the National Stasi Agency’s illegal and unconstitutional spying--especially on Congress--and is attempting to defund the Stasi Agency’s surveillance program. The amendment to the military spending bill by Justin Amash, a Republican from Michigan, almost passed. The amendment was barely defeated by votes purchased by the spy industry.

On the other hand, despite its outrage over being spied upon, Congress wants the scalp of the brave hero, Edward Snowden, who informed them that they were being spied upon. Here we have a demonstration of the historical stupidity of government--shoot the messenger.

Only a few right-wing crazies believe that universal surveillance of every American is necessary to US security. The National Stasi Agency will fight hard and blackmail every member of the House and Senate, but the blackmail itself will lead to the National Stasi Agency’s wings being clipped, or so we can hope. If it is not done soon, the Stasi Agency will have time to organize a false flag event that will terrify the sheeple and bring an end to the attempts to rein in the rogue agency.

The United States is on the verge of economic collapse. The alleged “superpower,” a bankrupt entity, was unable after 8 years of efforts to occupy Iraq and had to give up. After 11 years the “superpower” has been defeated in Afghanistan by a few thousand lightly armed Taliban, and is now running for cover with its tail between its legs.

Washington compensates for its military impotency by committing war crimes against civilians. The US military is a great killer of women, children, village elders, and aid workers. All the mighty “superpower” can do is to lob missiles shot from pilotless drones into farm houses, mud huts, schools, and medical centers.

The schizophrenic denizens of Washington have made Americans a hated people. Those with the foresight to know to escape from the growing tyranny also know that wherever they might seek refuge, they will be seen as vermin from the most hated nation and subjected to being scapegoated as spies and evil influences, and at risk of being decimated in reprisals against Washington’s latest atrocity.

Washington has destroyed the prospects of Americans both at home and abroad.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West is now available.

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