Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's Time To Collapse The System

Waiting on the ATM in Cyprus

By Gordon Gekko

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me -- Martin Niemöller, Nazi camp prisoner

‘I’m furious with myself,’ he said. ‘I had so many opportunities to move my money abroad but was taken in by all the promises that any attempt to raid my savings was a red line not to be crossed.

Experts said it was against the law. Now, I’ve lost several thousand euros. As someone who is retired, the money in my account is all I have to live on for the rest of my life.

‘What’s really upset people is that they’ve been lied to. They were told that their money was safe and that they shouldn’t move it and then they announce this.

Everyone’s accounts are frozen and the ATMs have no money. Some people are struggling to get enough cash together to buy food and water...[people] just feel that they’ve been robbed by the Government.’
--Chris Drake (Former BBC Middle East correspondent, retired to Cyprus) via

... and still waiting

So what are you going to do? Are you going to place your faith in the "authorities" like Mr. Drake did? Will you wait for them to rape and pillage you? Or are you going to take matters into your own hands. It's time to take responsibility for yourself and your loved ones. The Government and the Banksters ain't gonna save you. And if you think what happened in Cyprus this weekend is a "one-off" and it can't happen to you - even if you're outside the Eurozone - think again.

The fact of the matter is that this was THEFT of private property - pure and simple. And just because it was performed by mafia dressed up in Government regalia and bearing authoritative three letter acronyms (ECB, IMF et. al. - all banker fronts) doesn't mean it wasn't one. This shows us that the Government and the bankster mafia who control them are willing to go to any length to have the public reimburse their “losses” and transfer public wealth into their own pockets. And they just declared outright war against the public.

Anybody in Spain or Italy who's watching what's happening in Cyprus and doesn't withdraw their money RIGHT THIS MOMENT from their banks deserves what's coming their way. This is as loud and clear as it gets folks. And it’s not just Spain or Italy or Greece or even the entire Soviet European Union – it’s the whole world. You won't get a personal warning letter from your feudal overlords government. And you can't say you weren't warned.

But it's not just enough to withdraw your money from the banks. That's just the first step. A global financial tsunami has been brewing and the waters have been receding for a while. It is up to you to pay attention to the signs and get as far away from the coast as possible, which means you need to withdraw completely from the system to safeguard your hard earned wealth.

The global monetary system today is nothing more than a giant global pyramid scheme which is now collapsing (hence all the "crises"). Just as in a Ponzi scheme, those who get out first will suffer the least amount of losses. But before I explain how to get out of the system, we need to understand what “the system” is. Also remember, this system is same in all the countries today.

A Crisis Created by the Banksters

So what is this "crisis" in Europe that we all keep hearing about? That every one of the citizens must sacrifice an arm and a leg if we are to avert Armageddon? What would happen if we don't bail out the banks and let them collapse? Would it really be so bad?

The "authorities" in our academia and government would have us believe that "the crisis" is born of "natural" causes i.e. it is simply a fact/force of nature. It's nobody's fault! Greed is simply human nature and these things happen. It's the damned "business cycle". Now we must all come together like the obedient little slaves that we are and engage in shared sacrifice to "solve it" and save everyone, especially the banks.

One word: BULLSHIT.

Well, the cause of "the crisis" goes to the very heart of how our monetary/currency system operates today.

The Money

If we are to understand the crisis, first we must understand money - a topic which the masses have deliberately been kept ignorant about. A complex economy such as ours consists of a multitude of goods and services which can be in varying demands at various points of time. Hence a medium of exchange is required that acts as a proxy for all the goods and services in the market (so as to enable complex exchanges) and in the process provides information about their relative demand and supply in the market via price signals (even interest rates are nothing but price signals - the price of money and since money is a proxy for all the resources in an economy - the price at which excess capital in the economy is available for utilization).

Producers and consumers then use this information to decide on the allocation of resources - what to produce, how much to produce, etc. For this allocation process to be efficient (i.e. satisfy the wants and needs of everyone with the least amount of wastage) it must be essentially decentralized, since a single entity CANNOT know what everyone wants. This is why the Soviet Union collapsed.

Money, then, is an information mechanism which lets the producers and consumers perform calculations as to the most efficient allocation of resources at any given point of time (a software, if you will, controlling the hardware of the economy). It must be some good that is universally acceptable - that the market has "elected". And just as you need a standard scale of unvarying length to perform measurements of distance, you need a substance whose supply remains fairly constant over long periods of time to perform calculations of economy.

Fortunately, the market discovered such a substance fairly long ago - Gold (as evidence that it is the substance, I present Gold's highest stocks to flow ratio of any "commodity" and the only one whose demand does not vary with supply). Unfortunately, somewhere along the line, it all went horribly wrong.

How It All Went Wrong

Now imagine someone wanting to control the economy for their benefit; wanting to have something for nothing i.e. somebody who wants to STEAL from those who are productive. Enter the mafia banksters. All they would need to do is control the medium of exchange or money and voila! But there's only so much Gold to go around. What if you want to appropriate unlimited resources from the economy for your benefit? You need something you can create at will.

Enter paper money. So gradually, over period of time, operating behind the curtains, banksters in cahoots with the politicians replaced paper receipts for Gold (just take a look at the higher denomination US dollars circa late 1920’s) with paper tickets backed by NOTHING. An IOU for Gold became an I-O-U-Nothing.

Knowing their worthless paper money wouldn't be a voluntary choice, they enlisted the Government as their enforcer and accomplice using bribes and threats (hence the legal tender laws, and for those of you who don’t know or remember, I present the Executive Order 6102). Hurrah! Now they could print and spend as much as they wanted! But alas, there is a fly in the ointment - if they directly used this paper money, the currency would quickly dilute and the scam would fall apart. What to do? Yup, "lend" the money. Thus began the creation of the biggest Empire of Debt backed by the most powerful mafia the world has ever seen.

A Global Ponzi Scheme

So this is how the scam works. Realize that the bankers need to do two things:

1. Keep creating new money supply
2. Keep extracting the already created money

Make no mistake, the second is as essential as the first otherwise the money supply would increase too fast in relation to the goods and services produced, the currency would decline in purchasing power too quickly and the scam would fall apart. They first need to ensure that you do the work and create production for them to appropriate via the extracted money (and maybe some freshly printed money on the side – who’s watching anyway?).

They achieve the first by loaning new money out of thin air (mostly via entries in a computer today). The Banks "lend" "money" to both the Government (government bonds) and the citizens (credit card, home loans, etc.). Lending to the government is an important part of the scheme as they have to bribe the enforcer of their scheme. The politicians don’t give a shit, its free money so far as they are concerned - it is the citizens who will pay it back. Plus who doesn’t love unlimited free money?

The Government can issue as many bonds as it desires knowing the Central Bank stands ready to buy all of them with freshly printed money, if other morons don’t. The banksters also ensure that there will always be a demand for loans as lending means they demand paying back of the principal as well as the interest. But realize this: they NEVER created money for the interest, only the principal. So how will someone – whether government or citizens – ever pay back the interest? They can’t.

They’ll have to go bowl in hand to – you guessed it – the banksters. This is why debt in all the nations (both government and private) always increases. Increasing debt is a feature of the system, not a bug. The system is operating exactly as was designed - to trap the people in perpetual debt slavery. And contrary to what you may hear from “experts” and the MSM, the amount of debt in the society will never go down and will never be repaid but - as I will explain below – only end with the collapse of the currency system.

Now this demand for repayment also ties in to the second part of their scheme – extraction. This is how they do it:

1. A huge portion of the Government taxes you pay go towards paying the interest on the government bonds which the bankers own i.e. indirectly your taxes are being paid to the bankers. No wonder the IRS and the Federal Reserve came into being together.

2. A huge section of the society is always in debt. This is not hard to fathom – a huge portion of your income is extracted via taxes and loan payments on your personal debt. Now, personal debt is not a choice under such a system as availability of unlimited money (credit) for goods in the economy creates price inflation making them out of reach for most people unless they take on debt. Just ask around – how many of your colleagues, friends, relative are in debt? Yup.

Do you see the evil genius of it? Basically the banksters have created a system where they give money from one hand, take it back from the other – all the while making you run on the treadmill of jobs (slavery) – THEIR slavery. They are free to spend the extracted money-out-of-thin-air as they want but you have to do productive work for it. Make no mistake – this is modern day slavery - earlier they used chains and whips, now they use debt.

But What Does All This Have To Do With “The Crisis”?

Everything. Because there remains yet another fly in the ointment, which even the bankers don’t have a solution for as its genesis lies in the very system they have created – central control of money. This central control of money causes huge misallocations in the economy. What is a misallocation? There is a lot to this which I can’t cover in this article such as manipulation of interest rates, so I recommend you do a bit of your own research (especially refer to the work of Austrian economists such as Mises), but briefly: Since the money is now centrally controlled for the benefit of the few (government and the banksters), all the price signals go haywire.

Money is handed out to connected but incompetent people who produce NOTHING, people who produce are taxed to death and money is transferred to insiders in the money system, investments are made where none are required (e.g. real estate) which results in things being produced which have no demand whereas things that have demand (e.g. food) are not produced. The inefficiencies in the system become huge and vast productive resources are wasted. There is a whole bunch of consumers and spenders (including the banksters) but not a lot of producers. All of which means that over time two things happen in such a system:

1. Overall money supply increases but the extractions start to decline. This is because loans are being made but not as many of them get paid back.

2. The amount of goods and services (which people want anyways) available in the economy also start to decline.

An increasing money supply and declining production results in the decimation of the currency’s purchasing power as evidenced in the charts below. These charts are for the USD, but hold true for every currency in the world today:

Unlimited money...

... leads to unlimited debt

Gold price since 1973 (before this it was “fixed” at $35 an ounce after the 1933 robbery). Just to be clear, it is not the gold that is rising, but the USD that is declining.

If you take the limit case for the last chart, you get hyperinflation – the currency becomes worthless (which correspondingly means Gold becomes literally priceless – remember, it is the real money) and the game is over – and as you can see, we are VERY close to it. No more looting. This is what the banksters are so afraid of and this is the “crisis” – their need to continue pillaging the people.

They NEED the extractions to continue, not only because it is their “income” and to prevent “losses” (both these terms mean nothing to someone who owns the money supply as they can always create more) but because otherwise the money supply would increase exponentially (the bad loans already made). This would kill their franchise - the currency. This is also why they can’t just print up and use any amount of currency they need.

But eventually the misallocations become so huge that there is nothing left to extract. The productive citizens have already been bled dry. This need for extractions is what is behind all the demands for “austerity”, the reason for directly robbing the bank accounts of the people. But no matter how much they extract, it doesn’t make a difference because the misallocations will always keep on increasing. The currency is doomed. They might be able to slow the process but hyperinflation is guaranteed in a fiat money system.

Eventually, it only matters who gets out first before the currency collapses. So the only question is:

Will you get out in time?

... or will you wait for the face-off and get lynched?

What happened in Cyprus is simply an overt manifestation of what they've been doing all along. It’s just that up until now there were enough productive resources in the economy for them to extract. But as the malinvestments increase and the productive base of the economy keeps on shrinking, as it must for reasons outlined above, they will directly try to appropriate private assets to "cover their losses" (keep the franchise alive). Which means they will need to employ ever more forceful tactics to subdue the populace.

Cyprus is just a test run by the global banking oligarchs. Once they are aware of and have prepared for the fallout, they WILL implement this in every nation on earth. How long before you think they will come for you? It’s only a matter of time.

So What to Do?

By now it must be clear that if this looting scheme has to ever end, this fake money system has to end. And whether you like it or not, end it will because as outlined above, the system contains in itself the very seeds of its destruction. Think of it as virus - a parasite - that has infected an otherwise healthy global economy which must be rid of.

A forest fire, if you will, that must clear the dead plants (malinvestments) to make way for the new. It is the law of nature. But if the host - YOU - doesn't fight back, the parasite of global banksters will kill the host along with itself. If you don’t collapse the system, the system will collapse you. Do you wish to sink with the collapsing system or be one of the survivors to begin a new one?

There are two interdependent objectives at play here. If you choose to take steps for one, the other automatically follows:

1. Healing the economy: The system must be collapsed for the much needed capital reallocations to productive hands to begin. Sure, collapse is a guaranteed outcome, but the sooner it happens, the lesser the damage to the economy and faster the recovery.

2. Preservation of wealth: By this I don’t mean preservation of the fiat digits in your account. Wealth is not currency notes but the real resources and people of this world. When the reallocations start you need to be ready either by already owning productive assets (whatever is left of them) such as farmland etc. or claims to them that will be universally honored (Gold).

Yes, the global bankster oligarchy is powerful. It’s David vs. Goliath, I know. But as powerful as the Goliath is, he has a weak spot you can hit:

The Currency

Think of this as guerrilla war. There is no sense in outright confronting a huge and powerful enemy because you will be decimated. But there are peaceful and strategic yet powerful steps you can take, namely: Vote with your feet. Reject the currency. The system cannot survive if you don’t participate. I know you can’t do it overnight but you can start to minimize your participation. And know this: If a majority of you does even one of the below, the system will collapse overnight without so much as a shot fired. Here is what you need to do:

1. Leave as little cash as practically possible inside the banking system. As a rough guide, keep only that much which you are willing to lose (as in 100% loss). Yes the banks will collapse, but that is the desired outcome. Contrary to what the authorities want you to believe, we will survive just fine without the banks. Sure, there will be some short-term hardships involved but think of it as an alcoholic recovering. Longer term it will be healthier. Don’t fear “the contagion”

"Clearly this is a negative development for European assets but in the terms of contagion we think it is quite limited,"--Guillermo Felices, Head Euro Asset Allocation, Barclays

What this guy means is that he thinks people aren’t clever enough to realize that the banksters are going to loot everyone. He expects people to bend over and take it. Prove him wrong. Let the damn contagion begin!

2. DO NOT be invested in any paper securities inside the system such as bonds, stocks, derivatives of ANY kind, even though they may be "guaranteed" by the mafia government and/or may carry "AAA" ratings. If you still trust "sovereign guarantees" or rating agencies after all that has happened, I'm sorry but you deserve to lose your money. Dump ALL paper assets. Now.

3. Convert the maximum possible amount of your fiat money into Gold and Silver, but remember to pay cash only and hide them in a secure location which you can access anytime (and as of the great Cypriot robbery, no bank lockers are safe anymore). If you need to understand why it is important to buy Gold and why this will preserve your wealth – especially during a currency collapse - please read this and this.

If the country you reside in is making it hard for you to buy PM's (precious metals) - MOVE, for this is an indication of depredations to come. If they are requiring identification/ tracking if you buy over an X amount, just keep buying a little below it as many times as required (guerrilla warfare). But keep it discreet. And, yes, I know the government can confiscate PM’s but nothing’s stopping them from confiscating your fiat digits either. There are no guarantees in life. At least this way you still have a chance.

4. Although precious metals in your own possession is the safest place to park your hard earned savings, if you wish or need to diversify beyond the precious metals, invest only in real assets in safe jurisdictions. By safe, I mean which are furthest from the control of feudal lords of western "civilization", although I'm not sure there are many these days. The best real asset I can think of aside from PM's is cultivable farming land, but I’m sure there are many others.

5. Where practically and legally feasible for you, stop paying back bankster debt. Starve them of the interest payments. If its cheaper to fight them in court than paying back, do it. Use their system against them. If you want to double the impact, use the fake debt-money you just appropriated from them to buy Gold and Silver.

6. Minimize usage of bankster money in daily transactions by using alternative currencies (such as Bitcoin) which they cannot track and tax. Disclaimer: I haven’t done much research on Bitcoin or other such p2p currencies, so do your due diligence.

The only guarantees I can make are for Gold. If your circumstances permit, try to start making a living outside the bankster controlled wage-slave economy. The lesser number of slaves there are to exploit, the faster the system will collapse.

7. Wake up as many people as you can. Let's make this... viral.

So, unless you want a bankster at your doorstep with a gun to your head – like it happened in Cyprus - it’s time to take the fight to them. Rip them banksters a new one!

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bank runs imminent with the EU's destruction of the rule of law

by Lucas Jackson

“When it becomes serious, you have to lie.”~~~ Jean Claude Juncker, PM of Luxembourg, and the head of the Eurogroup council of eurozone finance ministers May, 2011

Prior to yesterday, if you were trying to handicap how the unelected leaders of the Eurozone were going to react to a tough situation, you only had to refer to the quote above from Mr. Junker to understand their mindset.

But so long as someone at the ECB was willing to flood the world with free EURs (with significant backup provided the US Federal Reserve) the market closed its eyes, held its breath and took the leap of faith that all was well.

However, post the Cyprus decision, the curtain has been pulled back and wizard revealed with all his faults and warts. The age of innocence is dead and with it died institutional and retail trust, confidence in the system writ large and the rule of law.

It would be hard to over-emphasize how significant the Cyprus situation is. The EU demonstrated under no uncertain circumstances that they will destroy the rule of law to maintain their own power. It was a recognition of tyranny that many of us have always assumed was the case but yesterday became reality.

The damage done here is not related to the size of the haircut – currently discussed between 3 and 13% – but rather that the legal language which each and every investor on the planet must rely on in order to maintain confidence in the system has been subordinated to the needs of the powerful elite. To the power elite making the major decisions in DC, London, Berlin, France, Brussels, et. al., laws are like ice cream, easily melted.

Which begs the question, who is next? Will it be Portugal? Greece? Spain? Italy? France??? Will they impose a “one-time” tax on your bank account? Your house? Your stocks and bonds? Retirement accounts?

The major banks of Europe are levered beyond anyone’s wild guess. They cannot afford a hit to their capital base lest they be exposed for the over-levered giants they are. This, of course, opens up the exposure all of these banks have to the greater than $1tr derivatives market where the failure of any one of these derivative banks could lead to the collapse of them all.

So, of course, the powers that be in Europe must do everything in their power to prevent the world from noticing that their banks are broke. This means they will lie and take anything they deem necessary. Including the forceful seizure of savings accounts of innocent people.

The Government Is Your Friend?

Markets have been rallying for years on the back of the idea that government’s are going “all-in” to save the current economic system. To many of the talking heads on the business channels, we are supposed to view this as a good thing.

This has produced all kinds of non-market based solutions such as the bailout of the major US banks and their subsequent TBTF moniker, the “bailout” (I use the term loosely because this was really a political stunt) of GM and a never-ending stream of free money being handed out by the major central banks. The markets have seemed to like this ham-handed involvement and have rallied to all-time highs.

But all along the way there have been those of us who have said that there will eventually be a price pay. With the Cyprus decision, investors now know what the price is: your money is not really your money. Your bank account is not really your bank account. Your bonds, stocks, home and anything else you think you own isn’t really yours. The governments of the world will take it from you whenever things get bad enough.

Look at China. Do you think if the global economy ever shrinks far enough that the Chinese will allow all those American companies to keep their assets on Chinese soil? How likely is it that the Chinese will suffer through their own problems of inflation and social instability and yet allow Apple, GE, GM and the rest to keep benefiting?

Think about global mining and oil stocks? Most own assets in countries other than the home domicile of the company. If the prices of precious metals and/or oil ever meaningfully breaks out, do you think the poor governments that originally granted the mining/drilling concessions will simply respect the rule of law and allow these multi-national corporations to keep sending their country’s wealth abroad? Not likely.

How about in the US? Could the US declare a bank holiday and unilaterally devalue the currency in one swift move? I will get over 9,000 responses saying this could never happen in the good ol’ US of A but of course it could. In fact it has already been done before during FDR’s first 100 days in office. The template already exists. Electronic banking only makes the process that much easier.

Technically, since the Fed has been running a policy of monetary inflation since about 1920, the government here already has been quietly taxing the savings accounts of its citizens without their permission for decades. The subtle difference between what Europe is doing in Cyprus and what the Fed does every day to American citizens is that the Cyprus theft is happening in one discrete event while the Fed’s theft drips in slowly over years.

But no matter which way you look at the situation, expect things to deteriorate from here.

Lehman Part Deux

What could be next?

Bank runs will continue apace where they are already going and will begin in countries previously seen as impervious to such events such as France, Germany and even Switzerland. The difference in pricing between the paper and physical precious metals markets will rise. Good luck to those of you owning paper gold and thinking this will help you when things get bad. The legal language on your piece of paper is worthless. If savings accounts aren’t sacrosanct, then neither is that ETF.

Did you or your firm stash a bunch of money off-shore in some tax-friendly haven that probably has a favorable relationship to the British Crown? Best of luck with that. Tax havens are nothing more than legal arbitrages. With the value of law moving to zero, the value of your account approaches the same. Trade wars will begin to rear their ugly heads as the losers in the currency wars retreat to their last line of defense. Once you tear up the rule of law, trade agreements quickly get thrown by the wayside once your domestic situation deteriorates enough.

Moar and moar government micro-management of individual economies, markets, sectors and companies. The Amateur Barack Obama and his minions will continue the tradition started by George II of abandoning free market principals to ostensibly save the free market. Once they are done there will be little left of the market and none of us will be free.

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Friday, March 15, 2013

Who killed Hugo Chavez?

"Chávez, take care. These people have developed technology. You are very careless. Take care what you eat, what they give you to eat... a little needle and they inject you with I don't know what."~~~~ Fidel Castro.

Hugo Chavez, the Socialist president of Venezuela for 14 years, died on March 05, 2013, after having courageously fought against cancer in the last few months. Media reports superficially stated "heart attack" as the cause. But a troubling question is, Who killed him? This question is not rhetorical, since its answer points to the trend of hi-tech assassinations in contemporary global politics.


In the last few years alone, quite a number of prominent individuals who opposed the policies of some powerful states on the world stage had been targeted for hi-tech assassination, which often leaves no trace behind and can kill the victim silently (often in a slow and painful death), and this kind of silent killing becomes an increasingly preferred form of very sophisticated assassination by some powerful states in our time -- unlike the crude use of shooting by an assassin in the older days.

For illustration, just consider some controversial cases of both successful and unsuccessful hi-tech assassinations in the past 2 decades, as shown below:

1. Cristina Kirchner, current president of Argentina, with thyroid cancer in 2011
2. Ollanta Humala, current president of Peru, with cancer in the gut in 2011
3. Hugo Chavez, former president of Venezuela, with prostate Cancer in 2011
4. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, former president of Brazil, with cancer of the larynx in 2011
5. Nestor Kirchner, former president of Argentina, with colon cancer in 2010
6. Fernando Lugo, former president of Paraguay, with lymph cancer in 2010
7. Evo Morales, current president of Bolivia, with cancer in the nasal cavities in 2009
8. Dilma Vana Rousseff, current president of Brazil, with cancer in the lymphatic system
in 2009
9. Alexander Litvinenko, former Russian secret service officer, with polonium-210
poisoning in 2006
10. Yassar Arafat, former chair of the PLO, with brain hemorrhage in 2004
11. Khaled Meshaal, the leader of the Hamas, with the poisonous shutdown of the brain
in 1996

Of course, there can be other examples, so the ones above are illustrative, not exhaustive. At first glance, all these cases seem isolated incidents, but, upon closer examination, reveal a growing and disturbing trend of hi-tech assassinations in contemporary global politics, in that all these individuals with the diseases were major opponents of the policies of some powerful states.

For example, the first 8 cases above (cases #1-8) involve some recent leftist opponents of American intervention in South America. This led Mr. Chavez to thus wonder, back in 2011, "Would it be so strange that they [in the U.S.] have invented the technology to spread cancer and we won't know about it for 50 years?" and then added: "I don't know is very odd than we have seen Lugo affected by cancer, Dilma when she was [presidential] candidate, me, going into an election year, not long ago Lula and now Cristina....It is very hard to explain, even with the law of probabilities, what has been happening to some [leftist] leaders in Latin America. It's at the very least strange, very strange," as reported by Tom Phillips on December 29, 2011.

His friend Fidel Castro in Cuba, who himself had survived hundreds of hi-tech assassination attempts by the U.S. in the past half of a century, therefore gave him some advice: "Chávez, take care. These people have developed technology. You are very careless. Take care what you eat, what they give you to eat... a little needle and they inject you with I don't know what."

On the day of Chavez's death, Vice President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, said in an address to the nation that "there's no doubt that Commandante Chavez's health came under attack by the enemy," in that "Chavez's cancer was an 'attack' by his enemies" (meaning the U.S.), as reported by Tracy Connor for NBC News on March 06, 2013. Then, General Jose Ornella, head of Venezuela's presidential guard, "echoed the concern of Vice President Nicolas Maduro that some sort of foul play was involved in Chavez's cancer. 'I think it will be 50 years before they declassify a document (that) I think (will show) the hand of the enemy is involved,' he said. The general didn't identify who he was talking about [or what the classified document was exactly], but Maduro suggested possible U.S. involvement...," as reported by Fabiola Sanchez for the Associated Press on March 06, 2013.

Shortly after the death of Chavez, Kurt Nimmo wrote on March 6, 2013: "For the naysayers who dispute that the CIA was responsible for the cancer death of Hugo Chavez, note the device in the following video. It is a dart gun developed in the 1970s (or possibly earlier) by the CIA. In the video, the weapon is described as inducing heart attacks. Cancer is not mentioned. However, we know that the CIA used Dr. Alton Oschner, the former president of the American Cancer Society, to run covert cancer research for the agency." If they could invent devices like this back in the 1970s, just imagine how much more they could do now in the 2010s!

In addition, Lubov Lulko wrote in January 05, 2012 that there were different technologies to inflict cancer on opponents, like "alpha radiation, electromagnetic waves, or chemicals" which can "cause emergence and development of cancer," as part of the larger efforts by some powerful states to "invent new kinds of biological, chemical and electronic weapons" to kill their enemies.

Then, case #9 on the list (above) has to do with the assassination of Alexander Litvinenko by the Russian government under Putin, since "upon his arrival to London, he [Litvinenko] continued to support the Russian oligarch in exile, Boris Berezovsky, in his media campaign against the Russian government" under Putin, and "the main suspect in the case, a former officer of the Russian Federal Protective Service (FSO), Andrei Lugovoy, remains in Russia," and "subsequent investigations by British authorities into the circumstances of Litvinenko's death led to serious diplomatic difficulties between the British and Russian governments," as reported in an article on Wikipedia.

And cases #10-11 on the list (above) has to do with the Israeli involvement, for the critics, in the assassination of Yassar Arafat, former chair of the PLO, with brain hemorrhage in 2004, and of Khaled Meshaal, the leader of the Hamas, with the poisonous shutdown of the brain in 1996.


Hi-tech assassinations can be both successful and unsuccessful, of course.
On the one hand, the practice of hi-tech assassination has its own successes. For instance, in the above 11 illustrative cases, 4 attempts were successful, namely, the cases involving Hugo Chavez, Nestor Kirchner, Alexander Litvinenko, and Yassar Arafat.

On the other hand, there are failures, in 2 major ways, as explained below.
Firstly, some attempts (like the 9 cases as mentioned earlier) have not been successful, for the time being at least -- and the most notorious one concerns case #11, when Israel unsuccessfully attempted to silently kill Khaled Meshaal (with poison), but "one of Meshaal's bodyguards, Muhammad Abu Saif, had chased the two Mossad agents who had carried out the operation and, with the help of a passing Palestinian Liberation Army officer, later captured them," and "the failed assassination proved to be one of the greatest fiascos in the history of special operations, and a pivotal moment in the rise of Hamas," and it had also humiliated Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister at the time (1996-1999) and also now (since 2009), since he was forced not only to provide "the antidote and the nature of the [toxins] used against Meshaal," but also "to release the founder of Hamas [Sheikh Ahmed Yassin] from jail in a prisoner exchange deal," as reported by Al Jazeera World on January 30, 2013.

And secondly, even the killings of the opponents do not necessarily bring the results as intended. For instance, the death of Nestor Kirchner has not made Argentina more pro-American; on the contrary, it only brought his widow Cristina Kirchner into power, who has sided with Chavez instead. The death of Yassar Arafat has not brought peace to the Middle East, nor has it made Israel safer from the Hamas, as the two sides recently had another military clash in December of 2012. The death of Alexander Litvinenko has not silenced the opposition against the presidency of Vladimir Putin; on the contrary, the opposition has grown even stronger nowadays, from 29% of the vote in the presidential election in 2004 to 37% of the vote in 2012. And the death of Hugo Chavez has made him a martyr in the eyes of his supporters, both at home and abroad, for his dual achievements (and visions) to give the poor (long treated with contempt and abused by the aristocrats in the region) a voice in the public sphere and to stand up against "yankee imperialism" for South American independence as a larger integrated bloc.

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, former president of Brazil, eloquently wrote about Chavez in The New York Times on March 6, 2013, the day after his death: "No remotely honest person, not even his fiercest opponent, can deny the level of camaraderie, of trust and even of love that Mr. Chavez felt for the poor of Venezuela and for the cause of Latin American integration."

At home, "Chávez's social campaigns, especially in the areas of public health, housing and education, succeeded in improving the standard of living of tens of millions of Venezuelans," as Mr. Lula wasted no time to point out.

Abroad, "Mr. Chávez was instrumental in the 2008 treaty that established the Union of South American Nations, a 12-member intergovernmental organization that might someday move the continent toward the model of the European Union. In 2010, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States leapt from theory to practice, providing a political forum alongside the Organization of American States. (It does not include the United States and Canada, as the O.A.S. does.) The Bank of the South, a new lending institution, independent of the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, also would not have been possible without Mr. Chávez's leadership. Finally, he was vitally interested in fostering closer Latin American ties with Africa and the Arab world," as Mr. Lula thus praised him.

But this does not mean that Mr. Chavez has no faults of his own making. On the contrary, as Lula thus criticized him: "One need not agree with everything Mr. Chavez said or did....There is no denying that he was a controversial, often polarizing, figure...." And, for his enemies, especially those in the corporate world of big-business capitalism, Mr. Chavez can be regarded as a curse from hell.

Yet, for all those countless folks who completely crowded the streets of Caracas on March 06, 2013 and waited for many hours only in order to bid him farewell when his coffin passed through in a military procession, with many crying and mourning, and some even stayed into the night to see his body at the Fort Tiuma military academy -- his death has made him larger than life in their hearts and minds, to the point that, as Lula aptly put it, "his ideas will come to inspire young people in the future, much as the life of Simón Bolívar, the great liberator of Latin America, inspired Mr. Chávez himself."

Already, "within hours of Hugo Chavez's death, makeshift altars were going up in homes and on street corners around Venezuela with candles, photos and offerings for the late president. Weeping beside his coffin, supporters are likening him to independence hero Simon Bolivar and even Jesus Christ. Ministers quote his words and precepts in reverential tones," as reported by Andrew Cawthorne on March 8, 2013. And Chavez's body will be "embalmed" and be "permanently displayed" inside "a glass tomb" at a military museum in Caracas, as reported by the Associated Press on March 07, 2013.

This then is the best thing that his enemies have done to him: his painful and untimely death makes him a martyr for his followers both at home and abroad, in the present and in the future.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Chavez: The proof of a really good man is when the West and its Propagandists (the MSM) defamed and slander him

Hugo Chavez speaking to hundreds of thousands of supporters of the Bolivarian revolution at an election rally in Caracas, October 3, four days before he was re-elected president for the fifth time.

The mass media’s near universal defamation of Hugo Chavez, presumably to counter the outpouring of eulogies and tributes that attended the Venezuelan president’s death, illustrates the lengths to which the wealthy (in whose hands the mass media repose) will go to vilify anyone who commits the highest international crime: curbing free enterprise.

To say that the anti-Chavez obloquies have been over the top would hardly be an exaggeration. Author and journalist Terry Glavin, whose credentials as a propagandist on behalf of the capitalist faith have been solidly affirmed by his loosing possibly the most extreme diatribe against Chavez ever written, assures us the Bolivarian revolutionary was “a sadistic, egomaniacal thug,” a “megalomaniac” at the center of an “autocracy,” who left “millions of Venezuelans living in fear of the knock on the door in the night.” (“Hugo Chavez, incompetent fake socialist,” The Ottawa Citizen, March 7, 2013.)

Sparing no slur, Glavin adds “strongman” and “hysterical paranoid” to his Himalaya of affronts against the deceased Venezuelan president, at the same time accusing Chavez of creating a police state where “an off-the-cuff remark could land you in jail.” Glavin, needless to say, doesn’t trouble himself to marshal any evidence to support his slanders, and his editors apparently didn’t ask him to either.

To explain away the difficulties of smearing the four-time elected Chavez as a dictator, Gavin invokes the concept of the “glorious contradiction, as in “…a deep contradiction was always at the heart of the Chavez pathology. Venezuela under his rule became ‘a glorious contradiction—an autocracy with a popular, elected megalomaniac at its center.’” This is the same glorious contradiction that once turned Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, an ardent friend of free enterprise, the wealthy, and Wall Street, into a champion of democracy. Here’s how it works: If the characterization contradicts the evidence, so much worse for the evidence.

In the hands of the mass media, then, a popularly elected socialist is demonized as an autocratic thug, while a servant of the super-rich who comes to power in a military coup that topples a socialist government is hailed as a democrat. The same logic allows the United States and its circle of free-enterprise, free-market-promoting allies to rail and plot against a secular Arab nationalist in Syria on grounds his rule is an affront to democracy, while propping up Arab autocracies in the Persian Gulf who are running guns to religious fanatics bent on bringing down the same secular forces that happen to put local interests ahead of Wall Street’s.

The contradictions—hardly glorious—should disabuse leftists who haven’t already been disabused of the illusion that securing a popular mandate at the polls confers an immunity against defamation by the wealthy class’s ideological prizefighters, an important element of which are mainstream writers and journalists. By the same token, failing to secure a popular mandate will hardly earn you a thrashing in the Western press so long as you subordinate local interests and those of the oppressed, afflicted, and exploited to the foreign interests of comfortable bankers on Wall Street and oil company executives in Texas.

No matter how they come to power, effective leftist and nationalist leaders will be smeared as “thugs,” “strongmen,” “autocrats,” and “paranoids,” by Wall Street’s ideological handmaidens. Ineffective leftist leaders and false messiahs (Polish trade union Solidarity and Mikhail Gorbachev come to mind) will be celebrated. In southern Africa, Robert Mugabe, who democratized patterns of land ownership, has received the same demonizing treatment at the hands of imperialist ideologues as Chavez has, while Nelson Mandela, whose revolution left property relations intact, is celebrated.

It might be worthwhile, then, to consider whether other leaders of popular causes, who themselves have been run through the mass media demonization machine, are as bad as the imperial class’s ideological prizefighters have made them out to be. If the four-time elected social reformer Chavez can be turned into a sadistic, egomaniacal thug at the center of an autocracy, imagine the extremes that defenders of capitalist privilege will go (and have gone) to vilify leaders who, in their championing the interests of the poor and exploited, pose (and have posed) an even greater threat than Chavez did to free enterprise, free markets and domination by capitalist masters from abroad.

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Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Hugo Chavez passes

Merida – After two years of battling cancer, President Hugo Chavez has died today (5th March, 2013) at 4.25 pm.

Vice-president Nicolas Maduro made the announcement on public television shortly after, speaking from the Military Hospital in Caracas, where Chavez was being treated.

Military and Bolivarian police have been sent out into the street to protect the people and maintain the peace. For now, things are calm here, with some people celebrating by honking their car horns, and many others quietly mourning in their homes.

Maduro made the announcement just a few hours after addressing the nation for an hour, accusing the opposition of taking advantage of the current situation to cause destabilization.

“Those who die for life, can’t be called dead,” Maduro concluded.

In Caracas, thousands of people have gathered in Plaza Bolivar and are said to be heading to the Miraflores Palace. Those gathered are shouting that “Chavez lives, the struggle continues,” “the people united will never be defeated,” as well as swearing that the Venezuelan bourgeoisie “will never return” to the Miraflores Palace.

Chavez supporters are also gathering in central squares across the country to rally together and mourn the death of their president.

Describing the scene in Caracas, Andromaco Martinez, stated that he was on the metro when he found out about the president’s death, “people began running everywhere”.

In Plaza Bolivar, “no-one is crying or praying,” he said, emphasizing that the Venezuelan people would defiantly defend the revolution.

“The struggle has already been ignited,” he added.

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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Bill Gates: Dumping severely vaccine-damaged children in a remote village in Africa without a doctor on site is doing God's work?

by Christina England

In January 2013, Bill Gates told the world in an interview that he had no need for money and that he believed the global vaccination program was God’s work. [1] “It’s not going to stop us succeeding,” says Gates. “It does force us to sit down with the Pakistan government to renew their commitments, see what they’re going to do in security and make changes to protect the women who are doing God’s work and getting out to these children and delivering the vaccine.”

His words came after several vaccine workers administering the polio vaccination in Pakistan were shot dead in January. [2]

It appears that although Gates wants to carry on with what he calls ‘God’s work,’ people living in the third world are beginning to make their feelings abundantly clear. It appears that they don’t want his vaccines or his charity, as more shootings were reported in Nigeria.

On February 8, 2013, The Guardian reported that at least nine health workers administering the polio vaccinations in Nigeria were shot dead by gunmen thought to belong to radical an Islamist sect. The Guardian wrote:

“The killings drew comparisons with a series of incidents in Pakistan last December where five female polio vaccinators were gunned down, apparently by Islamist militants. It also signalled a fresh wave of hostility towards immunisation drives in Nigeria, where some clerics have claimed the vaccines are part of a western plot to sterilise young girls and eliminate the Muslim population.” [3]


They are right to be suspicious because it would not be the first time that vaccines were given with the intention of sterilizing women in the third world. In 1995, many third world countries were given a tetanus vaccine containing a birth control drug by the World Health Organization.

An organization known as The Comite became suspicious of the protocols surrounding the vaccines and obtained several vials for testing. It was discovered that some of the vials contained human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), a naturally occurring hormone essential for maintaining a pregnancy.

However, when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier, this vaccine essentially causes a woman’s body to produce antibodies against pregnancy, forcing her body to abort her unborn baby, as reported by ThinkTwice Global Vaccine Institute:

“In nature the hCG hormone alerts the woman’s body that she is pregnant and causes the release of other hormones to prepare the uterine lining for the implantation of the fertilized egg. The rapid rise in hCG levels after conception makes it an excellent marker for confirmation of pregnancy: when a woman takes a pregnancy test she is not tested for the pregnancy itself, but for the elevated presence of hCG.

However, when introduced into the body coupled with a tetanus toxoid carrier, antibodies will be formed not only against tetanus but also against hCG. In this case the body fails to recognize hCG as a friend and will produce anti-hCG antibodies. The antibodies will attack subsequent pregnancies by killing the hCG which naturally sustains a pregnancy; when a woman has sufficient anti-hCG antibodies in her system, she is rendered incapable of maintaining a pregnancy.”

Curiously, no men, boys or babies were vaccinated during the program. The only people vaccinated with this particular vaccine were women aged between 15 and 45. Was it a coincidence that these vaccines were only given to women of childbearing age? After all, anyone can contract tetanus, can’t they?


Polio vaccine workers are not the only health workers who have been attacked during the last few months. In December 2012, La Voix reported that parents of vaccine-damaged children in Chad, Northern Africa, took out their anger and frustration by torching a car belonging to a hospital worker. [5]

VacTruth has since been informed by Chadian contacts that the people of Chad are boycotting all vaccinations, while the parents of the vaccine damaged children stoned the school’s headmaster who had forced pupils to take the MenAfriVac Meningitis A vaccine. The parents have since announced that they have no choice but to take government and its international organizations to court.

This is probably because whether Gates believes he is doing ‘God’s work’ or not, dumping severely vaccine damaged children in a remote village in Africa without a doctor on site is almost certainly not God’s work and this is exactly what Gates has allowed to happen to the children adversely affected by the MenAfriVac Meningitis A vaccine.

Over the last few months I have written four articles covering recent events in Chad, Northern Africa, where 106 children became ill after receiving the meningitis vaccine, 40 of which were left paralyzed and suffering from convulsions. [6,7,8,9]

This week, VacTruth received word from a Chadian contact that said:

“Last night the Chadian minister of health evacuated all children paralyzed from MenAfriVac meningitis A vaccine, including very ill children, to Faya. I have just spoken to one person, who told me that seven girls and a boy are seriously ill with convulsions.

Please, help us. This forced evacuation of very ill and paralyzed children on a military plan, to a destination where there is not even basic medical personnel and equipment, is deliberately sending vulnerable children to a place where they are likely to die.”

Faya is a small town surrounded by desert at least 100 miles away from the children’s home village of Gouro. This is extremely worrying, especially after VacTruth received several medical records confirming that these children did indeed suffer vaccine injuries.


Over the past three months, members of the community of Gouro have reached out to VacTruth with desperate pleas for assistance as they helplessly watch their children suffer. We received a copy of one of the children’s medical records from their parent, which was written in French and translated on our behalf by Desiree Rover, an activist and avid campaigner from the Netherlands.

According to the record of treatment, the child was admitted to the hospital for an “undesirable post-vaccinal manifestation” and “intoxication by meningitis A vaccine.” Over the course of the hospital stay, the child suffered from headaches, shaking, vomiting, intense abdominal pain, and “contractions,” which likely refers to seizures.

Sadly, this child was prescribed Largactil, a psychiatric drug used to treat schizophrenia, probably due to the fact that members of the government have insisted that the paralyzed children’s afflictions were all in their heads. There is no mention in the clinical records of any prescription or treatment for pain relief or seizures.

This medical record, as well as the others sent to VacTruth by parents, demonstrates that these children need continued medical care. Yet, the ill children have been returned to an isolated, poorly equipped village far from sufficient available help!

It has since been reported by Ecoterra International that the conditions of at least ten children have deteriorated since being evacuated. [10]


As if the poorest regions of Africa has not had enough problems, GlaxoSmithKline has decided that they would get in on the act. Ethan A. Huff from Natural News reported on Feburary 19, 2013, that GlaxoSmithKline has teamed up with the company Biological E Ltd. and together they have decided that is a great idea to give the children of Africa a six-in-one vaccine. This is a single-dose vaccine for polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis), hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenzae type B.

This vaccine will be specifically designed for the poorest children of world. Natural News says:

“According to reports, GSK will add the contents of its injectable polio shot to a pentavalent vaccine already being manufactured by Biological E Ltd. that contains the other five vaccines. Together, as part of a 50-50 joint venture, the two companies will manufacture the hexavalent vaccine, which will rival similar combination vaccines for polio currently being developed and administered by rival drug companies in India such as Serum Institute of India Ltd. and Sanofi Pasteur.” [11]

According to Natural News, a study published in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics (IJME) found that cases of polio-related paralysis have skyrocketed as a result of widespread polio vaccine campaigns throughout India, which means the populations of India are not benefiting from existing polio vaccines as the vaccine industry claims they are. So the two companies decided to put their heads together and come up with a new vaccine to boost their own economy.

In other words if at first you do not succeed, try, try, try again!

Dr. Rebecca Carley made her feelings abundantly clear about vaccines being used as bioweapons in an article recently, while the resulting damage is hidden from the public. She wrote:

“As I continue to follow the ongoing vaccine induced genocide of the indigenous Tibu children in Chad, Africa, it has become obvious that the totality of the documents I have accrued over the years has now reached critical mass for the purpose of going on the offensive against the psychopaths orchestrating the depopulation agenda. This was the topic of my RBN show on 2/10/13; you can access the archive for free by going to" [12]

Dr. Carley is right, as there is no better way of covering up adverse events than dumping sick children in the middle of nowhere and leaving them to die, is there? The saying ‘out of sight, out of mind’ springs to mind.


It appears that Mr. Gates will go to any lengths to vaccinate the world, even if the world makes it very clear that they do not want his vaccines. Rather than vaccinating more children, if he was such a humanitarian, why has he allowed vulnerable, sick children to be dumped in the middle of nowhere to die? Surely the world would applaud him far more loudly if he spent his millions making sure that any vaccine casualties were sufficiently cared for.


11. http://www.naturalnews.com039160_glaxosmithkline_vaccines_developing…

Christina England is a UK journalist and an author with a Higher National Diploma in Journalism and Media. She is studying for a BA Hons degree in English Literature and Humanities. Besides being a regular contributor to, Christina writes for American Chronicle, Weekly Blitz, and Namaste Publishing UK on immunization safety and efficacy.

Christina’s main area of expertise is in researching the areas surrounding false allegations of child abuse, particularly when a child has suffered a vaccine injury. Her work is now read internationally and has been translated into many languages. Christina has been on many radio shows and she speaks at seminars worldwide.

Christina is the mother of two adult sons, both with ASD and complex learning and behavior problems. She is co-author of Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine Induced Encephalitis – Are Parents Being Falsely Accused? Additionally, Christina is a contributing author in Voices of Autism: The Healing Companion: Stories for Courage, Comfort and Strength.

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